Hola Steemers :), This is my introduction i hope you like it and will follow my adventures.

About 5 years ago at 2012. i decided to change my life.


i had a construction business which was doing quite well but i wasn't satisfied i wanted ...more out of this existence. what is the meaning of life?. i was hungry to know. I came across terence mckenna and his narative on magic mushrooms which propelled me into researching difference psychedelias. During my search i came across timothy leary, lsd the hippie movement and culture which led me to a rainbow gathering about to happen in the middle of borneo rainforest, kalimantan, indonesia. All my life i was living in cities. i had zero camping experience or understanding being in nature. armed with a passion for sustainability and off the grid living, i went for it. For 3 months i stayed there with my forest tribe surviving and being present in a bubble of love. The gathering ended, i started selling everything i owned. i was inspired to live from my backpack and travel to find more of these life changing experiences.



On the edge of the Ganga river, Rishikesh

my last year was spent backpacking around India, India was a whole new level of intensity for me. i loved it. i started my journey there with another rainbow gathering which started at north india near nainital and from there my adventures following the hippie trail never stopped, it took me too a lot of interesting places and situations (for another post) till i lost my passport twice which i took as a sign to change my course.

My next stop soon will be udon, Thailand for one month of muay thai and then carry on by land but i don't know yet lets see what happens and what energies including yours will influence me. @michaelvagas introduced me to steemit while i was in bali which is perfect i can now keep adventuring.

While I'm travelling i keep my costs at a minimum try to avoid hotels i think it also takes away from the experience of interacting humanely so what i do is use sites like:
wwoofing, workaway, helpx to volunteer my time (4-5 hours/day) for free food and accommodation
couchsurfing.com to ask willing people to allow you to crash in their place.
even tinder has been quite useful for traveling if you are upfront with your intentions.

Well i guess that's it for an intro if you want to ask stuff feel free. any advise would be nice. if there are steemers in bangkok or udon let me know.


translation to bahasa:

my bro/sis aku singkat aja ya :), dulu aku sibuk kerja tapi cape cari duit terus, abis makan jamur aku jadi lebih liar dikit, tinggal di hutan untuk tiga bulan abis it pulang ke kota jual semua harta, beli backpack beredar keliling sampai sekarang.


Welcome to Steem.com

Welcome to family :)

Welcome here @Basahlove ! Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me at @mekong

i already followed you mekong :)

nice to have you on board!


thank you very much, nice to be on board :)

thank you for the welcome :) namaste

Thank you for sharing your life changing story @Basahlove, trully inspiring. If your page will be about adventures i would like you to check mine.

Welcome here @Basahlove ! Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me at @smokhantas

thanks smokhantas, you are now followed :)

Welcome to steemit.... Followed n upvoted

did the same bro, we have similar interest in greentech and crypto :)

Nice post my bro =)
Going today to meet the Ubud Steemers... Will follow you and hope to see more of your adventure posting...
Big Love SteemBro =)

how are you my bro ? all good at the ubud head quarters?

Welcome to steemit bro. Interesting story you have

bro we have similar interest in botany but i prefer plants that get me high :), btw my great grand parents were once from a place now in pakistan, if i go backpacking nearby again i'm going to visit for sure to check out my roots.