Steemit convincing me to try marijuana

in #introduceyourself9 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemit,

I am Zack. This counts as my introduction post. Calling @tessaddavis, @ozmaster and other users for advice.

I was pleasantly surprised by the popularity of cannabis on steemit. I realize this might be a gross misrepresentaiton of the userbase and next week we might see a stream of vegan dishes appearing I'm not going vegan. Steemit finally made me decide next time I have the opportunity to try weed, I'm taking it. Sometimes you have to make opportunities, steemit help me out on this journey please.


I'm 24 years old, living in Belgium. I've never smoked before. I love to garden, baking and the occasional good book mostly scifi. I'm studying IT at the university of Gent. My frieds in Argentina will be laughing when they see this post, they were the ones to first tempt me, bastards. Hola amigos!

AirplanesMore Airplanes

sorry had to post, it's our national holliday, I hope you are having some fun on this beautiful summer day :)


Marijuana isn't exactly legal here, so I can't just by some around the corner.
Lucky for me there is this thing called the Netherland nearby, it's only a couple of hours to the border.
It's vacation I'm thinking of going on a trip.

Tons of questions

This is where you help me out. Is this somthing to better try out alone first? See if I like it. Or definitly try this with some friends? Are brownies similar to the real thing?
How was your first time. Tell me something about it.

I'm not looking to be convinced or persuaded but I like to make an informed decision. Correct me if I'm wrong, maybe help me fill this out. There might be important things I'm not thinking of.


  • smoking bad, picturing destroyed lungs here, but I guess there is vaping?
  • I might get addicted
  • smells bad
  • stoner reputation pretty bad here
  • possible allergy not trying this alone


  • have some fun
  • one of my hobbies is aquaponics I don't think that's a good way to grow cannabis
  • but it could finally convince me to try some hydroponics
  • this is taking a lot of bullets because
  • goals are important

any help greatly appreciated!


Free the herb and have fun, good post

Firstly, cannabis is not addictive, tobacco is what gets you thinking you are addicted to smoking cannabis.
If you haven't tried it, I would say at least have the experience once to see how it could change your perspective and open your mind but wouldn't recommend long-term use to anyone as it all depends on the individual...some people can smoke long-term and function others can't...

If you go to Holland, get S5 haze, this is a good, sweet-smelling strain that is uplifting, energetic and makes you sociable...

Generally better to smoke with friends/other people...

@jholmes91 Good to see others with a viewpoint from sanity. :)


  • Cannabis is Non-Addictive
  • Clean Cannabis Improves Lung Function
  • Clean Cannabis Smells Awesome, Even When Burned!
  • Keep Your "Stoner" Activities to Yourself
The allergy thing, well... My best guess is it's a combination of contaminants and/or pollen. Massive amounts of cannabis, around the world, are done improperly and massive amounts of contaminants and pollen end up in/on cannabis. Definitely have someone around, especially if someone in your family has had issues in the past.

May be tough to find clean cannabis, it's nearly impossible to find in the USA, I have to grow my own. Good luck!
Keep it Clean!

TheCleanGame Blog Posts, Neatly Categorized

Listen to TheCleanGame! I make pipes for a living and even I would go to them for anything cannabis ;)


I appreciate that. :)

For those interested, I'm open to answering any questions about cannabis I have a solid answer for. Ask TheCleanGame: All Cannabis Subjects Welcome

Hey check out my review of Golden Pineapple strain, I will be doing a weekly review of strains with nice pics :)

I have smoked since I was 14 (I am Hindu), and I lived in Colorado for 6 years until recently. So I can help.

You can smoke alone or with friends. Usually it is better to try it with someone who smokes regularly so they can calm you down if you freak out. There is a recording of a police officer who's wife bought some Bud and they made some brownies, and they thought they were dying so they called 911. And they told them everything. The point is, basically, you might want someone there to let you know that you are just high, because you might think that something else is happening.

Second, brownies, cookies, candy, etc. can actually be stronger than smoking. If you just eat half a brownie, or 1 brownie you would probably get a regular, maybe more physical, stoned feeling. But if you ate 2 or 3, you would definitely be giggling the whole time your first time. That might even happen with just 1 brownie depending on the dose.

And the best way to explain the feeling in terms of overall effect, is like going underwater. For example, if I smoke every day, multiple times a day, for a week, the difference between the feeling I have when I wake up from the feeling I have when I smoke is not that different, the high feeling is just more pleasant. But if I don't smoke for 2 Weeks or a Month and then I smoke, it feels like going underwater. It's like a whole body sensation and opening of your mind, and it's not exactly like going underwater, but that is the closest I can get to describing it.

Also, the Hindu God Shiva is this sensation. Shiva is Dance, Shiva is Meditation, Shiva is Marijuana.

ok not trying alone then for the first time, thanks

"I was pleasantly surprised by the popularity of cannabis on steemit."

I have anticipated this, hence the account name and age. Recent activity is just because a whale decided to upvote posts here recently, but it won't fade. Its masses getting spread amongs more tags which will be prosperous in the future for everyone! Welcome to your new home fellow ents!

dont get or eat edibles. You will be stoned as fuck. I dont really like weed, makes me paranoid, tired and anti social. But its good for hangovers, well for me that is.

really well that's unexpected


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