Hai steemian . Perkenalkan saya Annisa Fauziah atau lebih akrab disapa Meimei. Ini adalah postingan pertama saya. Setelah mencari tau "apa sih steemit itu ?". Kemudia dengan penantian yang sangat panjang menunggu email balasan setelah sign-up , akhirnya saya dapat bergabung dalam platform ini.
Saya dilahirkan di Dataran Tinggi Gayo dan bertempat tinggal di Kota Lhokseumawe. Saya adalah penyiar radio salah satu radio swasta di Kota Lhokseumawe, bergelut di dunia kopi, bisnis dan arsitektur.
Postingan selanjutnya saya akan banyak membahas tentang hal menarik lainnya. Dan semoga saja apa yang akan saya tulis dapat bermanfaat untuk saya, kamu dan kita semua. ^^
Hi steemian. I'm Annisa Fauziah or familiarly called meimei. This is my first post. After looking up "what is steemit it?" . And then with very long waits waiting for email replies after sign-up, finally I can join in this platform.
I was born in the Gayo Highlands and live in the city of Lhokseumawe. I am a radio announcer on one of the private radio stations in Lhokseumawe City, wrestling in the world of coffee, business and architecture.
In the next post I will discuss a lot about other interesting things. And I hope what I wrote can be useful for me, you and us all
Salam kenal ya... Bantu follback and upvote ya, biar kita bisa saling berbagi vote
iya mas.. salam kenal dan jangan lupa follback juga ya...
Hello and welcome to Steemit. I'm Steward, but everyone calls me Stew and it's a pleasure to meet you. You'll find the Steemit community is very warm and welcoming and here's a post to help answer some of your questions:
The Ultra Beginner's Guide to Steemit- What to do 1st
Also, if you'd like to know more about me: My Steemit Intro

I look forward to reading your posts, pleasure meeting you and hope you stay in touch. Welcome to Steemit!
Welcome to steemit, looking forward to seeing you around @chessmasterhex.
Welcome sister
Thanks brother... Jangan lupa upvote 😉