Medan, May 25, 2018
Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings

There is a proverb that reads "Do not know then no love, no love then no love, then from that first acquaintance".
Introduce My Name Tri Tomisyah this time I made my Steemit ID @anakinc. Why am I making that up?
I am inspired from my hobby that is "INC / Fotograper" because that's why I make my name @anakkinc steemit, hence from that comes word of Anak Inc ..
I am from Aceh, Indonesia. And coincidentally I am currently completing my studies at one of the colleges in north sumatra.
Besides having a hobby of photographs I have a hobby of writing. Looking at my activities there is a friend of mine who first joined in Steemit is @febryrmadn, he recommended to me a software where the software is like blog and suitable to realize my hobby.
I hope my friends can give feedback from each of my work. Do not forget I might say to the Indonesian curator that is @levycore and @aiqabrago who have introduced steemit in Indonesia especially among young people of Aceh.
Greetings know from me, Greeting Jepret.

Medan, 25 Mei 2018
Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb

Sebelum saya memperkenalkan diri saya, izinkan saya mengucapakan salam kenal dari saya anggota baru yang baru saja tergabung di komunitas Steemian kepada kawan-kawan yang sudah lebih dahulu bergabung di steemit.
Ada sebuah pepatah yang berbunyi "Tidak kenal maka tidak sayang, tidak sayang maka tidak cinta, maka dari itu berkenalan dahulu".
Perkenalkan Nama saya Tri Tomisyah yang kali ini saya membuat ID Steemit saya @anakinc. Mengapa saya membuat itu ?
Saya terinspirasi dari hobi saya yaitu "INC/Fotograper" karena itulah saya bikin nama steemit saya @anakinc, maka dari itu muncul kata Anak Inc.
Saya berasal dari Aceh,Indonesia. Dan kebetulan saat ini saya sedang menyelesaikan studi saya di salah satu perguruan tinggi di sumatra utara.
Selain memiliki hobi foto-foto saya memiliki hobi menulis. Melihat kegiatan saya ada seorang teman saya yang lebih dahulu bergabung di Steemit yaitu @febryrmadn, dia merekomendasikan kepada saya suatu software yang dimana software itu seperti blog dan cocok untuk merealisasikan hobi saya.
Saya berharap teman-teman dapat memberi masukan dari setiap karya saya. Tak lupa mungkin saya ucapkan kepada curator Indonesia yaitu @levycore dan @aiqabrago yang telah memperkenal steemit di Indonesia terutama kalangan anak muda Aceh.
Salam kenal dari saya , Salam Shoot.

Discord Komunitas Steemit Indonesia

SELAMAT DATANG! Hi, anakinc! I wish you the best journey here on Steemit! Life is Good
By the way, there are several groups you as a newcomer can join. They will stay with you for your journey, helping and mentoring along the way.
@greetersguild invite link
@newbieresteemday invite link
Thanks @cheneats , i hope you enjoy with my write
Welcome to Steem, @anakinc!
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It helps you see the real value of your account, who mentionned you, the value of the votes received, a filtered and sorted feed and much more! All of this in a fast and secure way.
To see why 2581 Steemians use SteemPlus, install our extension, read the documentation or the latest release : SteemPlus on Fundition.
Nice post buddy, just gave you a follow and upvote from the hub of @kwabeedat
hello dear brother! welcome to steemit! I hope you enjoy is here.
have a nice day! stay with steemit!
Thanks @shakoor ,
hi @anakinc Welcome to Steemit Community. Looking forward for your next post. See you around. You can also join in STEEMSCHOOLS discord here They can help you grow in this steemit community. If you still don't have a discord account. Just register first through the link I gave you. I'm glad to help you. See you there!
Thanks , maybe yesterday i'm visit
Very well written article! You have a talent, develop it. I follow you, I'm always glad to make new acquaintances, I hope you will follow me.
Thanks sir @vaseloff, i will follback you.
I expect your input so that fore dear write better
Hello @anakinc! I am glad with your presence in Steemit. I wish you the best! Hope you gonna have fun with our community and see you soon!!!