Yo Steemit! How you doin'? I am your friend in Puerto Rico. How can I be of service?

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)


I am so excited I barely know where to start. Yes I do, my gratitude. Thank you for your attention. There are lots of things you could be doing on here and you're choosing to read this. I am grateful for that. It's incredible how this movement has sucked me in. I have spent the last few days devouring articles, videos, posts and comments. Man, have I learned a whole lot from you guys. I learned that this is a great community of people looking to do things differently than we have been doing. And since I am a big fan of change, I am so loving it. So much so, that I am eager to do my part to advance this paradigm shift. Totally looking forward to expressing myself freely and finding a community of like-minds.

One of the most resounding lessons repeated over and over by different Steemians I read was this, write from the heart and seek those of like-mind. That is the way to have successful organic growth on the platform. Now there are a few debates as to whether organic or paid growth is the way to go. I have been learning about those as well. Must say that I stand on the side of organic growth most every time. I do understand the quickie path and the temptation. Hell, I'm a newbie though, and I really shouldn't even be opining. Perhaps I'll soon find myself having to resort to paid assistance in order to get paid. Until then, I'm shooting for slowly but surely. I hope I didn't step on any toes with these words. Just trying to come from the heart.

As a beginner, I have to say I fell in with a great crowd of teachers. I'm starting to see that there are, as it should be, various helpful guides in the Steemit community. I'm looking forward to learning from as many of these guides as possible. I would love it if some of you would share in the comments those teachers and guides that have been helpful to you. I'll start by mentioning a video I saw with an interview of @timcliff by @terrybrock. That video was educational and inspiring. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. Also I'm going to name some Steemians whose posts helped me in one way or another to better understand Steemit. I know I have yet to learn a whole lot, but I am very grateful I came across posts by these folk. I will put links to said articles in some future post, stay tuned, please :) The teachers I've been lucky enough to learn from thus far are: @teamsteem, @whatsup, @thecryptofiend, @papa-pepper, @bycoleman, @glenalbrethsen, @angelking and there are others that have taken the time out to make sure this community works and that us newbies feel welcome and addressed. Gracias to all of you!


By the way, my name is Juan, my friends call me Kano and I got here to Steemit totally by chance. Started looking into it and just loved the whole concept. Had to learn about crypto-currency and blockchains because I was clueless. Like I said, I've learned a whole lot in the past few days. It gives me hope to see new ways of doing things. It's the only way we will break free from the old ways, always need something new to replace the old.

I live in Puerto Rico and will be writing about that, religion, politricks, and living simply. I am a vegetarian who can't let go of eggs and cheese just yet, but I am wanting to be a raw vegan by the time i'm 65 (I'm 52 now). I am Christian, but not your typical Christian. I live by the greatest commandment - Love. Seriously though, if you rolled your eyes, said 'oh no', or actually thought about clicking away from here, feel free to chat with me before you go. I promise that I'll never make you think negatively of Jesus or true Christians with my words.


Absolutely love movies and books. Will list a few of my favorites, curious to see if y'all are familiar with all of these. Movies - Citizen Kane, Fight Club, Dreams, Mindwalk, Godfather, Bamboozled, Fahrenheit 911, Cowspiracy. Books - Science of Self, Spontaneous Evolution, Job: A Comedy of Justice, Be Here Now, Stranger in a Strange Land. Authors - Robert Anton Wilson, Chogyam Trungpa, Stuart Wilde, Carlos Castaneda, Robert Heinlein.

As you can see from my lists, I have widely eclectic tastes. That goes for everything. I listen to all kinds of music. Eat all types of food, so long as it's vegetarian. Can be way left on some issues, while swinging to the right on others. I'm a firm believer in common sense, which is severely lacking in politricks and most anything else for that matter. The Golden Rule and the KISS principle keep my life easy.

Well, I really need to get busy. Will be following all those I've mentioned here. Also looking to join @steemchurch, what a great idea that was. So many firsts yet to come on Steemit, I'm so glad to be able to be a part of some of those. Will probably spend the next few days learning more about the details. If anybody feels like giving some advice, please feel free to do so. I will be looking for stuff I like so I can upvote and comment. Might be a few days before I post again.

Thanks again for your attention. Please let me know what you think of my writing so far. And if you have any questions on Puerto Rico, well, you now have a friend in pr. Paz y mas!



Welcome to the STEEM-Universe Juan. I like well made introduction post like yours, that's why i will boost you with a resteem. Great choice on some of you STEEM-teachers by the way ;)
Greets, @theaustrianguy

How I love this place. You guys are awesome and so supportive. Thank you kindly for the resteem. As for my teachers, no choosing, just great luck in finding their posts first. Feeling like this is the way to go. Will be focusing on getting everybody I know on here. Well, everybody I know who's ready. Lol. Some people will need more bells and whistles to come on board. Thanks again. Paz y mas.

Hello, Juan, and Welcome to Steemit.

You're right in realizing that organic growth comes first and foremost. Without organic growth, any paid growth will amount to nothing.

At the same time, a bit of paid growth can give organic growth a healthy boost, so do not abandon the thought of using any paid growth.

Below are a few basic points of advice re posting on Steemit.
1 – Longer posts are more lucrative than short posts. If you make a post of 20–30 paragraphs, it's more likely to earn rewards.
2 – Include some photos, images or graphs, to complement the text.
3 – Make sure the text and photos are formatted properly, so that your post looks attractive and appealing.
4 – Be yourself.
5 – Be interesting and informative.
6 – Create quality content. Steemit is intended to be a platform of quality content. (You will see many insignificant posts with meager content and no quality. Most of those of posts [called “shitposts” by Steemit whale Stellabelle] will earn few rewards and soon pass into oblivion.)
7 – Get online and start curating. Read various posts, comment on those posts you find interesting, and upvote those posts. That’s the best way to attract followers.

Hope this helps for now. Good luck, and Full Steem Ahead!

Highly appreciate your reply. Thanks so much for the pointers. I'm beginning to see how easy it is to realize who's in this for the long haul and who's just trying to rake in as much as possible. While I understand the rakers, I believe that to be detrimental to the community as a whole. Ultimately, it's not the best for oneself either. I'm here to express myself and hopefully gather a few people of like-mind to interact with. And if that leads to making some money, then hallelujah. Lol. Muchas gracias, once again. Paz y mas.

@afriendinpr, welcome and congratulations on making your first post! I gave you a $.05 vote! If you would be so kind to give me a follow in return, that would be most kind of you!!

Wow, that's awesome. Thanks, I will follow you as well. I think. Lol.

Welcome to Steemit @afriendinpr!

I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.

Yes, I love Crpto too! Lots of detailed analysis on my blog along with some predictions

Here are some links you might find useful.
Your stats on SteemNow
Your stats on SteemWorld
Your stats on SteemD
How to use Minnow Booster
How does Steemit actually work?

Introbot is hosted and managed with donations from @byColeman to help make your journey on Steemit be truly rewarding. Your feedback is always welcome so that we may improve this welcome message.
Oh yea, I have upvoted you and followed you. Many blessings from @introbot & @bycoleman

Still not sure how these bots work. Is this a person that I'm replying to? Or am I wasting words on replying to a program? Lol. Well, I see @bycoleman is named here. Already following you. Looking forward to some real interaction. Thanks for being here. Paz y mas.

Te doy la bienvenida a Steemit, @afriendinpr

Para ayudarte en la plataforma, he votado en este post y te estoy siguiendo 🙂.

En esta red existen varias iniciativas que te ayudarán a crecer. Puedes verlas presionando aquí

¡Te deseamos mucho éxito y que disfrutes estar por aquí!

Este bot fue creado por @moisesmcardona. Si este comentario te ha parecido útil, vótalo como Witness presionando aquí

Muy agradecido por la bienvenida. Estoy deseoso de hacer conexiones con mi gente hispana aquí en steemit. Ire a ver la iniciativas que me enviaste. Gracias de nuevo. Paz y mas.

Welcome to steemit @afriendinpr. Organic growth is definitely the road less travelled. I share the same sentiments about writing from the heart and being authentic. I am looking forward to seeing future posts from you and learning a tat or two about Puerto Rico. I am from Jamaica, so "hi neighbour". Have fun while you explore steemit.

Hola. Never been to Jamaica, but I hear we're like twins. Someday I'll have to check it out for myself. Thanks so much for the welcome. I am truly loving steemit and I haven't even begun.

You're welcome. Yeah, we should trade countries for a week or two lol....ill go to Puerto Rico and you come to Jamaica, hehe. All the best.

Don't know how about trading. I mean, I'd love to, but I just spent 2 days with hardly any electricity or water. Things are still kind of ugly out here. And it seems like it's going to get worse. Not to be negative, I'm actually quite the optimist, but like we say here in P.R. "can't hide the sun with one finger". I pray that my people awake from their slumber before the banksters and politricksters devour the little that remains. The crypto crowd is pondering doing something here on the island. I think that if done with respect for everybody it could work out. Wrote about how Steem could be a major part of that. We shall see.

I totally understand. Sorry to hear about that but just remember that once there is life, anything is possible. Just keep the faith and your head above the water. That initiative of persons offering to assist is a good thing. I hope it comes through in benefit of those who truly need the help. All the best brother. Keep your chin up.

Just saw this. Appreciate the good wishes. Finally figured out how to see these replies. Lol. Still so much too learn. Thanks again. Paz y mas.

Youre most welcome. Yeah, take your time. :-)

Welcome to this beautiful community, apart from giving you an upvote I give you a tip that is worth more: "constancy and honesty is the best way to emerge in steemit"

It really is a beautiful community. Really appreciate your support. Still need to learn details of upvoting and tips. Due to Hurricane Maria I have a lot of free time on my hands lately. I intend on using most of it on Steemit I believe this to be a once in a lifetime opportunity for not only financial growth, but even greater things. Gracias de nuevo. Paz y mas.

Welcome to Steemit! I hope you’ll enjoy being here as much as I do.

You might find these YouTube videos useful. They are created specifically to help new Steemers grow and be successful on Steemit and will be posted on the @steemitvideos account as well.

How To Write A Good Intro Post

All The Best!
Spencer Coffman
My Latest Article: Importance of Saying No

Thank you much for the welcome. I will follow up on your suggested links. There is so much to learn on here. Not sure, but I think I might have seen links to a vid or two by you on Youtube. Your name certainly seems familiar. Gracias again. Paz y mas.

You're welcome! I hope the videos will help you out. Feel free to leave comments directly on the YouTube videos or on the @steemitvideos posts if you have any questions!

Steemit is a place like none other. You can get to know people from all over the world. If you continue to post great informative content you will grow a following in no time!

Welcoming you on board @afrienddinpr
Hopefully you will be finding stemit more awesome community to have earlier been into, but you ve now joined.
Feel free to use your good endowed intellect to earn as much as you can.
You can follow me and i will follow you back @bofphemy and https://discord.gg/rH7Ek72
to boost your morale.
Steemit, a good community indeed

this app is really cool
have recommended,
i still recommend,
and i will be recommending
for friends
mine with me by clicking this and i will click yours too back https://getcryptotab.com/594487
use google chrome only

What an interesting reply. Thanks for the welcome. I will follow up on suggested links and let you know. Why Google Chrome only? I'm on Chrome now, but I usually use Mozilla. Holler back when you can. Paz y mas.

Welcome to Steemit, Juan. I've never been to Puerto Rico, but the few people I know from there have been very generous and down to earth.

Your story about Steemit is probably the way most of us end up here. Somehow we find out about it and then the more we see, the good and the bad, the more we end up wanting to be here and try to affect the change you mentioned.

Swerving left and right politically probably works as well as anything here, since the prevailing philosophies tend to the libertarian and different blends of the anarchist. I would have to say, though, sometimes its really hard to tell which is really supposed to be which. :)

I have to say, I get surprised any time someone I haven't met yet reads what I've written, let alone likes it or considers it informational. It doesn't happen that much. So, I'm curious now. Just what did you read? :)

I hope you continue to enjoy your stay here on Steemit, and that you find your way. The place can be rough and tumble, but it can also be bring a level of satisfaction and fulfillment.


Not sure why, but your reply didn't show up 14 hours ago like it says. Just popped up sometime this morning. Really appreciate the welcome. I have yet to read a post by you. What I did read was the great comment you left on another Steemians post. It was very insightful and plenty enlightening on the subject. So much so I had to mention you in my intro post and follow you as well. Muchas gracias again for the comment. Looking forward to reading more from you. Paz y mas.

Ah. A comment I wrote. Okay. Well, cool. I'm glad you gleaned something worthwhile from it. Sometimes the comments are as insightful as a post can be. And as long. :)

Well, I appreciate the mention and the follow. I'm kind of all over the place with what I publish and what I comment on, so if it's not to your liking you're really under no obligation to continue to follow. I will however, try to make it worth your while. :)