Introducing Peggy and Mister Tom Cat

Happy to Be Here on Steemit

Hi! Peggy here, and I’m so happy to be here on Steemit with you. Want to find out how I learned about Steemit and why I’m tickled to death to be writing this, my first post?

Then keep reading!

Word Nerd from Day One

I’ve always loved words. As a kid nothing made me happier than reading. I also loved to write: letters, stories, my thoughts (before journaling was called journaling).

So, it's not surprising I'm a writer and editor by trade. I've been working with words for a long, long time. And I've been working online in one way or another for 15 years or more. (I’ve lost track, when you’re a woman of a certain age, that tends to happen.)

I started out online using AOL (through dial up, don’t ya know?) as my email provider. Wow, how exciting was that? Email! No more stamps, people! I discovered chat rooms and found it fascinating that topics like music, writing, and other hobbies were being discussed on the computer!

I crept through the ether searching topics when there really wasn’t all that much online to search yet. Then I got the wild idea to use the World Wide Web (remember when everyone used that term!? Cracks me up!) to find new editing clients.

At the time I was working as a technical editor (in the real world) and decided I’d like to try my hand at freelance editing. I found several new clients by cold calling university presses via email. So, for another decade or so, I edited textbooks and novels from university presses across the United States. I do love editing, and even though I sometimes found the pay lacking, I loved the work.

Freelance Editing and Writing

I eventually quit my “real” job and started to do editing and proofreading (on paper copies for the longest time, if you can believe that) from home. I've also written for newspapers and for other places in the real world.

Then I ventured into online writing at sites like eHow, Squidoo, Wizzley, HubPages, and others that have drifted from my memory (I blame it on that whole woman-of-a-certain-age thing).

I love the variety writing for content sites offers. It’s blissful for me to be able to decide one day to write about the latest book I just read or a movie I saw that really stuck with me. Or maybe I can write about a place I visited that I can share using photos and words.

Fiction Writing and PLR

In the past few years, I’ve also written several fiction books using a pen name, because, well, I can. I still write fiction, but last fall...

I felt like I needed a change, so I recently started writing PLR (private label rights) content. When I write PLR it’s like I’m a ghostwriter for website owners and bloggers. Instead of selling the articles and other content to just one person, I sell a package on a certain niche to numerous people. They can then change the content and use it to suit their needs.

Here is the ebook I wrote for my first PLR package, Eating Healthy on a Budget, and a nonfiction book I wrote about doing clinical trials.

So far I’ve launched three PLR packages, and I’m working on my fourth. Lots of people who write content online buy PLR to use as a starting point for their own posts. This is fine to do and it's best that you rewrite the PLR so it’s uniquely your own.

My PLR website is PLR Content Articles ( and I plan to add packages to it on a consistent basis.


Then last week someone in a small PLR group I belong to mentioned Steemit. At first, not knowing what Steemit was all about, I sort of ignored the conversation in our group. But the more I read about what the others were saying about Steemit, the more excited I got!

I began researching how Steemit works. I read. I watched. I learned.

A few videos and posts that really helped me get my head around how Steemit works were ones that @jerrybanfield and @hopehuggs made. I took @robinhaney ’s Udemy course on getting started on Steemit. I basically read up on Steemit as much as I could.

I read the Steemit FAQs to learn more about Steemit and the Dos and Don’ts. The Steemit currency and how it all works is still a little over my head right now, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it.

So, that's it. Here I am on Steemit!

About That Cat in the Photo (aka, Mister Tom Cat)

I have an adorable kitty cat who's in the photo with me. He’s the really hairy, cute one. His name? Mister Tom Cat.

The reason I named him Mister is because when he came to live with me he was only about 8 weeks old and was so pretty. Just look at that face!

He was so pretty, in fact, that I kept saying things like “Come here, Missy” and “No biting, Missy” and “You’re a good girl, aren’t you?” Stuff like that. Well, he’s not a missy; he’s a mister. He’s not a girl. He’s a boy cat. My first boy cat in decades and he’s great!

So, a Little About Me

I’m a woman of a certain age (just take a look at my photo... see what I mean?). I’m not going to tell you what that certain age is, but let’s just say I’m over 50 and under 100. Okay, closer to 50 than 100, but that number changes every year inching me closer to the three digits. Yikes! But it beats the alternative, am I right?

I love writing for content sites like Steemit because I have such varied interests, and writing about my hobbies is such fun! I plan to write about these topics:

• photography (I take random photos and love to piece them together to tell a story.)

• cooking and baking (I love, and I mean love, to eat.)

• crafting and sewing (I make all sorts of random things and will share some of my projects here like the Tin Can Man** I make.)

These are some of the tin can men I've made, all using recycled junk. This is the sort of thing I might write about here on Steemit. We'll see.

• travel and attractions near and far (The farthest I’ve traveled is China, and I’ll write about it and places closer to home.)

• natural health (more about this below)

• book and movie reviews (I devour books, slowly because I'm a slow reader for whatever reason, and I love good TV shows and movies.)

• and lots and lots more.

I’m eager to share these topics I’m passionate about with you.

I'm a Mom and Grandma

So, a little more about me. I have children and grandchildren who are the best. The Best. I’m fairly private about talking about them. I like to protect them so won’t do too much writing about them. They have their own lives, and it’s not my place to broadcast their lives online.

Back to me. Ho hum.

Let’s see. Okay, here’s something new.

Healthy as a Horse (sort of)

I’ve always been as healthy as a horse. I come by my good health naturally. My dad lived to be 95+ (let’s say more than 95 but less than 100), and till the end he really was fit as a fiddle. He lived alone and took care of himself. My mom aged fairly well, too, so I have good genes.

But, when I recently found out that my thyroid TSH levels are high, I was steamed (not Steemed, but steamed, as in steaming mad)! How dare my body have something wrong with it! The nerve!

So I’ll be writing about my thyroid-healing journey here on Steemit. But seriously, I’ve been lucky (knock on wood) and plan to fix this issue naturally if possible.

Tell Me About You!

I hope you’ve enjoyed learning a little about me.

Please comment below with a little something about yourself. I’m looking forward to meeting lots of great folks here on Steemit.



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Welcome to the Steemit Community @peggyhazelwood!

Please reply to this comment, and I will share your introduction post with the @OCD Curator team!

Woo hoo! Thanks for discovering my first post! Share, share, share! Please! Thank you very much, @ma1neevant.

Hi Peggy (and Mister). I am so glad to see you here in this mysterious new world. This is like a dream where I am wandering through a jungle, looking for the main road and there you are.

So nice to see you here, too, Joanne! Isn't Steemit fun? I'm really looking forward to this journey together!

Hi Peggy, it's nice to meet you! Though, I think we may run in the same circles regarding the PLR :) I used to sell and have went back to it a time or two, following the teachings of Tiffany Lambert, Alice Seba, Liz Tomey and the like. And like you, I have always loved works. Reading, writing, editing, proofreading, you name it, I have done it for work - or fun!

I thoroughly enjoyed reading your intro post, you kept it light and fun to read!

Hi, Keciah! So nice to meet you here on Steemit! Yes, I'm sure our paths have crossed in the PLR world. Stay in touch! I look forward to reading more of your posts here.

Welcome to Steemit. I can't wait to read more of your posts. I am a big lover of words and literature myself; although, I don't write by trade. One day though. :-) I would love to read more about your work as an editor and your thoughts on language in general.

Nice to meet you, queenvick. I'll add posts on editing to my list!

Welcome! Greeting from South Korea! I am new to steem as well. Lets enjoy steem world together! Will you be my friend? I will follow you~
I will see you around!

Hello, moont0. Nice to meet you. Yes, let's enjoy Steem together!

Welcome! I got my degree in English, and I actually have always been interested in editing. Life (I say life, but it was really my own decisions) took me away from the writing-world after college, but my health has put me in a place where I am starting to look at things I can do from home. My mind has often drifted to freelance editing; so, I really can't wait to keep up with your posts and hope you'll share some of your wisdom and experience with us!

Hi, @millenialnow. Nice to meet you! I'll be sure to write some articles about editing since it seems like a topic several people are interested in. I've always enjoyed it and found satisfaction from typos, bad grammar, and those pesky misplaced commas.

Love your introductory post. Very nice approach - definitely makes people want to know you. Have a happy journey on Steemit and keep the words flowing - I don't think that'll be a problem since you've been a wordsmith your whole life.

Thank you, @katebenzin! So good to see you here. I'm looking forward to this fun Steemit journey!

Welcome :) joining the community was the first steps. Way to go...

Thank you, maryarez. So excited to be here!

welcome from another newbie ;)

Hello, lopezdacruz! Nice to meet you.

Welcome to steemit Peggy - your post was very enjoyable - if you need any help just ask away - feel free to follow me on my feeble attempts at poetry, weight loss and farming blogs. I have followed you :)

Hi, @andysantics48! I'll be right over to follow you around your blog!

I see you're in to Natural Health - my sister @kiwideb posts about health etc - you may find her interesting to follow - at the bottom of her posts she has a blue box with helpful hints for new steemians if you're interested. I look forward to following your progress and reading your posts :)

Thank you for @kiwideb 's link. I'll look her up!

haha, I had already seen her piglet post! I am now following her!