Hi steemians!

Hi steemians!

  I’m just joined this community so I’m wanted to say hi to everyone and #introducemyself to all you people out there.I heard about steemit from my friend @andrejatosevski, and I decided to join this community. This platform is very interesting to me, because we can find many interesting things, learn something, transfer your knowledge to others, and earn some money.   

I am Marko Markovic, 22 year old, new steemian from Serbia.I was born in Smederevo on September 28, 1995.

  The city I spend most of my time is Belgrade, where I study at one of the best faculties (it's a Faculty of Biology) . The time I spent in Belgrade, I used the best I could. I visited the famous places and tried to get to know the city better. I can freely say that Belgrade is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.  

 In the house I live with my younger brother. My parents live in a farmhouse where they work with cattle breeding and agriculture. In addition to the great variety of animals and plants we keep, I would single out bees, because their product is one of my favorite treats. 

  I also have an older sister, who is the mother of a beautiful boy named Lazar.

 I can not imagine life without a good wine, but I would not neglect either beer or brandy (rakija). Besides enjoying the drink, I like to cook food. That's where my neighbors help me. Almost every week we hang out in somebody's yard and cook delicious meals. In Serbia, besides the grill, we also use a plate (tanjiracu) in the making of food. 

  Like every Serb, I love sports. I am engaged in recreational cycling. I'm touring Serbia with a bike, but soon I hope to visit the rest of Europe with my bike. One day I crossed 120 kilometers with the help of a bicycle. 

  I am an adventurous spirit, and in my free time I like to explore nature and to photograph it. As a biologist, I am conserving nature and I am trying to preserve endangered plants and animals in serbia, whose number unfortunately increases daily.


  One of the most beautiful moments in my life was at the Petnica Science Center. Where I decided that I will be dealing with science in the future.

  One of my hobbies is fishing. Once a month, sometimes twice, we go to a nearby river with our neighbors to fishing. After each fishing day we return all the catch to the water (basically we do not catch anything).  

  I do a charity work in Red Cross of Serbia .Volunteering in Red Cross is something that fills me completely, because I have the opportunity to help people, and their genuine gratitude makes me a happier person.

 My pleasure is to say that very good people surround me. My friends are diverse, starting with a friend from elementary school, from childhood, from neighbors, and friends whom I have acquired during my life. They are all good fellas, and on this occasion I salute them. 


Bok @markovicmarko pridruži nam se na novo podignutom Balkan Steemit Alliance discord serveru za balkanske Steemit korisnike detaljnije o ideji možeš pročitati u linku ispod, tamo se možeš educirati s ostalim Steemit korisnicima s našeg podneblja i pitati što god te zanima te promovirati se na glasovnim i tekstualnim kanalima.


Such a good text my friend, and the photos are also nice. Welcome to steemit, I wish you a good luck in the future! :)

Thanks my friend, kiss you. :D

welcome! i look forward to reading your articles!

Brate, ja sam rodjen 27.9., ali sam skoro 10 godina stariji :)) bas lepo da sam tvoj prvi follower :P
Pozz u Beograd!

Hahah, hvala brate. :D

Добро нам дошао, @markovicmarko! Јеси ли био (или си још увек) члан овог клуба?


Bio sam, vozio sam sa njima dve godine. Bilo je lepo, mnogo kilometara smo ispedalirali. Ali na zalost smo se razisli skoro svi, iskreno ne znam zasto. Al okupicemo se ponovo uskoro.