THE END OF THE WORLD (9/11 SURVIVOR) - Brief excerpts from my Ground Zero journal

in #introducemyself7 years ago (edited)

The emergency boats and supply boats docked in this area.

Warning: Graphic. Please read at your own risk.

This is a brutally honest account of my experience...

Ready For Anything

The Fires and the Winds From Hell

The Race Against Time

All Hope Is Gone

Sleeping on the Floor

This is a Nightmare

Unfortunately, I made the mistake of trying to talk about my nights at Ground Zero with Johanna who was my fiance at the time.

I finally understood why my Mom's father (my dear Grandfather) never spoke about his heroic service during WWII. It would be ten more years before I spoke about my service again --- I had to speak up while the 9/11 Community was fighting for healthcare.

Lord Help Us

The boats docked in the North Cove Marina on the left. The map above shows where human remains were found. Of the nearly 3,000 victims, less than 300 bodies were recovered in tact. The rest were obliterated into large and small body parts and bone fragments. To this day experts are still finding remains of the victims. Unfortunately, most may never be found, because they may have ended up at the Staten Island Landfill garbage dump with the wreckage and debris. Picture Source: NY Daily News

Imagine a member of your family ended up here at the Fresh Kills Landfill after the attacks?

9/11 victims should not be left in the Fresh Kills garbage dump

This is the area where I got hit on the head. Still not sure how I survived that. Source

Although, I am considered a 9/11 responder or NYC responder, I chose the title "9/11 survivor" for this series instead. I was just a civilian who volunteered to help along with thousands of others, and I'd rather not take anything away from our 9/11 heroes. With my health I feel I should just get it all out there.

I would like to thank you for taking the time to read these excerpts from my journal. I will share more if anyone is interested. I also want to thank our hero firefighters, police officers, Port Authority police, construction workers and all who came together to help, to have hope beyond hope, even when all hope was gone. No words can express the love I felt or the humanity I experienced. That is what I will never forget.

Excerpts from my Ground Zero Journal:
Part One: The End of the World
Part Two: A Night in Ground Zero

Other links to check out:
My Introduceyourself Post

Visit FealGood Foundation for more info regarding 9/11-related health and other important links: NO RESPONDERS LEFT BEHIND


Thanks for sharing some facts what we don't know. Great job.

Thanks for reading. Hard for me to share. There was a media blackout. No reporters were allowed inside the perimeter.

Wow, I honestly don't have the words. Thank you so much for sharing this with us, you are one very brave soul xo

You're welcome. Thank you for reading. Not many details out there about Ground Zero. I know history has already been written, still not many know that nine buildings were completely destroyed including all seven World Trade Center buildings, and 15-20 others were seriously damaged. But that's another blog. I'll post more soon.

Mother's cousin was NYPD on that day. It's terrifying. I remember how SNL that week was the largest gathering since the attack. We simply didn't know if there would be more. Glad you made it out ok!

I would have stayed longer if FEMA didn't throw everybody out. I lasted about 4 weeks in there but stayed a bit longer to help right outside the perimeter anyway. All my best to your Mom's cousin. NYPD has lost more people to 9/11-related illnesses than they did on that fateful day. (I volunteer as an advocate to spread awareness).

As much as I detest Anthony Weiner. I remember his very passionate defense for insurance for 9/11 responders.
But she's in Florida now so hopefully she'll stay healthy.

I remember his speech. Powerful!

I can understand why you don't sleep much. I could only get through part of this. I hope the sun is shining where you are today :)

I couldn't read it all either while taking the screenshots. Cloudy but lotsa sun here!

Amazing recount of events. That day truely changed the world forever and no more than so tha in your case. Thanks for sharing. Upvoted and Followed.

Thanks. Most of my memories exist because of my journal. I don't remember much else. I blocked out a lot of things. And I agree, 9/11 changed the world. No doubt.

Well I am glad your still with us. And that your able to partake this amazing adventure on Steemit. DR

I'm glad to have read that. We often get the watered down version or the dramatized version, often together. This was raw, maybe the first time I read such a raw account. I was just across the river at that time. Thanks for your service to humanity.

I think we got a watered down version because the media was not allowed in. I don't think the government could have controlled the story the way they did if real investigative journalists were allowed to report from inside the site. It was a genuine war zone.

How did they control the story, I see you said that but what do you mean? Do you just mean it was much more brutal than they mentioned or was there anything else?

There was a media blackout. A lot of people did not believe the official story. It is possible the truth movement would not exist if the media were allowed in. John Farmer special counsel to the 9/11 commission stated in his book, (paraphrasing) the Bush administration made the decision to lie to the American people. Perhaps, they felt we couldn't handle the truth?

THANK YOU for NEVER giving up Mitch.
I am lucky to know you and count you as a friend.

So kind of you to say that. I feel the same!

Thank you for sharing ... its terrible on what kind of world we are creating now & handing over to our next generation ... every where its a similar story of terror & destruction with little value of humanity . Hats off to you ❤
I hope where ever we are on this planet, we are able to create a little difference & have a happy peaceful world & bring a cheer to someones life
Much love
Stay blessed

Thanks, you too. 😊

By the way, when I saw the workers at the garbage dump were wearing HAZ-MAT gear and full protection many miles away from us at the site, I knew we were all in trouble.