About me // Tentang Saya

in #introducemyself7 years ago

Good evening friend steemian, introduce the name of my usual miswar called Iwan Alloys. I joined on steemit platform at January 24, 2018, steemit my account name is @iwanaloy and I come from the province of Aceh-Bireuen they. I am 29 years old and my job is a businessman.

Selamat malam sahabat steemian, perkenalkan nama saya miswar biasa dipanggil Iwan Aloy. Saya bergabung pada platform steemit ini pada tanggal 24 Januari 2018, nama akun steemit saya adalah @iwanaloy dan saya berasal dari Propinsi Aceh-Bireuen. Umur saya 29 tahun dan pekerjaan saya adalah Pengusaha.


I know the Steemit through a friend informing me about this steemit platform, according to her in this Steemit we can share about the experience, even any positive value. I got interested with this, and I will start my work here may be useful about what I will post on my first posting.

Saya mengenal Steemit melalui kawan yang memberitahukan saya tentang platform steemit ini, menurut dia di Steemit ini kita bisa saling berbagi tentang pengalaman, karya bahkan apapun yang bernilai positif. Saya mulai tertarik dengan ini, dan saya akan memulai karya saya di sini semoga bisa bermanfaat tentang apa yang akan saya posting pada postingan saya yang pertama.

FOLLOW ME @iwanaloy



Welcome to steemit, I also have a short time, so I hope to keep reading and vice versa. Hey I would like to take the opportunity to invite you to my blog, it would be great if you can comment or vote on my last and last publication. We are here to help us..@REECHA AND @NITESHBANIYA

Thank you, nice to meet you

Hi, nice to meet you, i'm also a newbie here. I upvoted you. Please, Check out my intro post too. It'll mean so much to me :)


regards to know again#xyrenerazon

Welcome to steemit my brother...

Thank my brother