Hi. I'm Karl. Allow me to introduce myself.

I live in Canada, in a small rural town in Southern Alberta.
I am a tradesman by trade, having welded everything from fences to oil rigs, but I've yet to weld the crack of dawn or any broken hearts...

Apparently I need to shave? (Sorry not sorry)...

I'm really attracted to this site because of the manner that content gets upvoted or downvoted, much like Reddit, but with the addition of a cryptocurrency steemit adds a layer of sophistication. I've already noticed the superior political commentary as compared to the "major"networks, and because this is a block-chain I think it would be difficult to implement shadow-banning practices (I'm not 100% sure about that though...). Having a mass media / social media outlet that doesn't censor but still can ensure a majority rules consensus really is a brilliant idea, we need to apply ideas like this directly to democratic political arenas I think. I also am attracted to steemit because of the aforementioned cryptocurrency - whether steembucks will survive long term remains to be seen, but cryptocurrencies that are by definition unable to be controlled and manipulated by central banks are, in my opinion, the way forward for much of the world that is mired in poverty. Incidentally, if you're wondering how a cryptocurrency can be fabricated out of "thin air" and assigned a value, then answer me this - is there any difference between an open source created currency like steem or bitcoin and the greenback also created from thin air at the Fed? Yes, of course I understand that US dollars are printed, are (currently, at least) the accepted petro-dollar, widely accepted, etc., but since the U.S. has dropped the gold standard there really is nothing to back the greenback other than thin air. What do you think?
So, you ask, why is this guy posting this in his intro? Just so you get an idea of what goes through my mind while I'm welding some crap together, and so you kind of get an idea of the kinds of topics that I like to discuss. God. Philosophy. Religion. Politics. Economy. And, if I weld that piece of AR300 to the piece of T1 with some E8018, will the weld pass a Charpy V-notch test at -32? The engineer will fail the weld if it doesn't. Thanks. Karl.


Welcome Karl. From another SouthAlbertan.

Hello from another almost NorthAlbertan.

A welder and a poet and philosopher! Welcome. I loved this line:

having welded everything from fences to oil rigs, but I've yet to weld the crack of dawn or any broken hearts...

Try more paragraphs for easier reading?