Introducing myself

in #introducemyself8 years ago (edited)

Hello fellow Steemians!

I've always hesitated on writing a blog or sharing videos on the Internet and I have little to no experience on content creation. But recently I found Steemit, got interested in the platform, and decided to give it a try.

I'll keep this nice and simple but in a way that it'll hopefully give you an idea of me.

Lets go!

Who am I

In this this life I have been given a name that is Miika. That's also the name I'm mostly referred to in my daily life. 19 times I have already orbited around the Sun by the time of writing this.

Where am I

Like most of the Steemians here I'm sitting on Earth (let me know if some aliens or a guy from NASA space station joins Steemit). More precisely in the Southern Finland, near the capital: Helsinki.

I have just graduated from upper secondary school (or just high school) this year so it's been 12 years of studying alltogether, though I can't say my English is still perfect but bear with me (I hate those proposition, never sure which goes where, haha).

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Original picture

Slave? student? the same thing? Debatable, but sometimes it felt like it.

First touch to crypto

After graduating from high school, I got some money as a gift from relatives. Being a gamer I thought it was a good time to finally upgrade my PC, for my graphics card was already seven years old.

Looking for a new card it came to me that almost all of them were out of stock, especially the high-end ones. If there were some left, the prices were ridiculous. Browsing Youtube it came apparent this was due to crypto mining, Etherium mainly.

I had been aware of Bitcoin but I have had no idea there were others such as Etherium.

For now I didn't go much further into the crypto world since after finding a good graphics card, I was a happy camper smashing some uruk-hai...

Higher resolution picture

...teaching zombies some manners...

...and enjoying the views

Higher resolution picture

But one day I decided to look what's all the mining mania about. Google and Youtube as my guidance, I found the technology, on which most of the crypto relies on: the blockhain. Not only was it the basis of bitcoin but it has been applied to many other industries and it still holds potential for solving different problems.

From that point on I was hooked: Only a few days later I was investing in projects that I personally believed in and found the most interesting. And eventually I found my way here, on Steemit; into a whole new kind of social media platform with a different ecosystem compared to others such as Facebook in which I have never been a very active user.

Where am I going

Right now I'm waiting to start my civil service this fall. But what I want to do after it is a complete mystery for me despite having three years of "thinking time" in high school.

  • University? Weeee more studying
    • Psychology
    • Philosophy
    • Social sciences
  • Music? I'd rather keep it as hobby
  • Poker pro didn't work out
  • Art??? I guess why not but I don't really enjoy it that much so...

Many interests do I have, but from all the sparks nothing has really caught a good fire. Delving too much into a specific topic tends to eventually suck the enjoyment out of it. This is how I've always been and probaply will be. That's also why I have stopped chasing for "the one" passion because there likely isn't one. For me at least.

Last words

Regardless of the uncertainty in my personal life, I'm eager to see what the future holds, particularly for the crypto side-of-things. Although I have noticed some problems with Steemit such as spamming and plagiarizing, it's a huge step forward!


Welcome to steemit.

Welcome to Steemit!

Perfect introduction post 👍

Thank you @minknsa! I'm happy my effort shows.

Welcome to steemit


Here a few tips for starters snce you probably won't get any advice from those who comment under here, here's what I gathered thus far.

It's tough to make money at first so if that's your main cause to be on here grind that into your head straight away, that doesn't mean you shouldn't post content, you should, but enganging with others in the comment sections to grow your following is your best bet. Which categories?

Probably the introduce yourself one and the photography section but you can choose things that you have knowledge about too and then go from there just know that there is a lot of crap on here so plowing through that just to connect with others can be tough. Cheers.

Hello @thauerbyi Money isn't high in my priorities but thanks for the advice anyway. And yes, I'll definitely engage with commenters!

So that's the best way to get the best of steemit?
I'm not here to make money, but want to learn more about this social media blogging type platform and what I can do to take my part in it.

Nice first post, welcome to Steemit! Upvoted and Followed!


Nice fist post, welcome to steemit! Upvoted and followed!

Congratulations to your introduction! Your post went "viral"! :-)
Good luck and enjoy Steemit!

Thank you @ksolymosi! I'll definitely do that.