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RE: Turning where the sun shines/ Introduction post

Raxeira what a Beautiful name you have chosen. Thank you for sharing its meaning.

This is a wonderful posting that you have made. I regret that I found it too late to upvote.

Your English is excellent. You use the language better than many English speakers in my own country.

Please tell me when you post again so that I will have a chance to UPVOTE you…

As you know, I am already a Follower.

At the end of this post you make a request that I the reader share something about myself… I am happy to do this…

But what to say…? Hmmm…

Well in a nutshell I would say that I do my best to be a person that I can be proud of.

Sometimes I feel that I fall short of this ideal but I try. I really do my best. I can’t say that I really understand life at all but I also do my best to continue putting one foot in front of the other as I walk this path of life…

I guess that’s enough about me for now. I hope you have found my comments to be interesting. :-)


I can't believe I am seeing this now. I AM SO SORRY! Thank you for your continued support, it is deeply appreciated. This comment made me smile, and for that I love you :)

You are very welcome! :-)
I'm glad I could help you smile.
No need for apology, but thank you.
Everything in it's own time. :-)
Wishing you a happy and joyous Holiday Season! :-)