Hi reader,
This post is basically about myself.
I am Alvin Davidson, nicknamed “Pablo” I’m about 6’1 tall and not quite muscular winks
I am friendly,free, open and playful, I don’t think there’s never a dull moment with me smiles.
And also, I’m not from a wealthy home but, I really do care a lot about people around me.
And uhm... Thats me and my twin.
Yeah... I have a twin, and uhm... I'm the dude on blue shirt. Cute right? winks
I am lucky to be the Jack of all trades, but have this special kinda intense feeling of love for art
That can not be compromised, not even for a good looking lady winks.
Another interesting thing I don’t joke with is my stomach!. Yeah came out right winks
I really love eating, and trust me if it was possible to get paid for eating, o'mann! I'd be a millionaire... Lol. I love my body, so maintaining it is my priority I set so high, though i love to eat, i also so workout a lot to avoid looking like shit.
About the name Pablo… Uhmmm the name was given to me by a very good friend of mine. He nicknamed me Pablo after the well known drug dealer “Pablo Escobar” Pablo was a very smart kinda guy and plus he was the Jack of all trades he had this unique character and most of all he was looking drugged at all time. I accepted the name without complains because I couldn’t get another nickname I loved that much.
But i don't look like i do drugs, or do i?...
Lol... I don't ...i'm just a regular guy
I stick to soft drinks because the taste sweet winks than alcohol, beers and the rest.
Yeah.. About my hobbies, Uhm… I love playing video games, painting, drawing, swimming, skating, and eating. I don’t eat only when I’m hungry smiles I eat for fun as well. It’s my thing.
And I am from a family of five(5), 4boys and 1girl and good thing’s I’m the second child but first son. Cool right 👉? winks uhmmmmmm I dislike certain things which are;
• Negative minds, low self-esteem; people with zero faith and fake personality get me pissed
Why live a fake life, we never know where help could come from...
• friends who don’t cooperate. It throws me off balance pshh
• I hate lies.
Uhm… practically anything that displeases God displeases me.
I’ll just stop there for now smiles
I like this kinda friends also;
• A smart friend who’s God fearing and truthful
• People who motivate me to do more than I thought I couldn’t
• Yeah… you can say I’m a lover of all good things smiles
I was introduced to steemit by @ericdavidson, a very nice and understanding person. and I hope to be the best I can, though, i was born with a silver spoon, but the nurse took it lol. Not from a very wealthy background, but i'm still alive, i'm good in all i do, and by Gods grace, i'll just keep getting better everyday. please do well to give me a warm welcome winks...thank you, i love you and God bless you.
Greeting @alvindavidson. Welcome, and I hope that you will enjoy steemit:)
Welcome to steemit
Hi @alvindavidson, Welcome to Steemit!!!

Welcome to Steemit! :D Have a great journey ahead
Thanks a lot
welcome to steemit. I really hope you enjoy it here :) Have an upvote for starters
Thanks for the support
Hi, Alvin..Welcome! It is so nice to have you here with us. Please let me know if you have any questions, and I will be glad to try to help out if I can. Good luck!
Thanks a lot... I just started following you
Is there a way i can chat u up?
Click the three parallel bars in the upper right, and then choose chat. I'll hang out there awhile....
Was unable to login
Shoot...well that's the only thing I know to suggest. I got in, but it was jumpy, and a little hard to keep the screen down where the new posts were coming.
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Welcome to steemit, a great business platform, participate in your first challenge, sending your selfie, alone or accompanied, and you will be participating in a raffle that will be held on May 24 for 1 SBD. Only in the comments of this post: -shared-for-the-best-day-of-selfie-5-all
You will put your selfie and your comment. You can also find me by this link and I will clarify your doubts.
be careful with the soft drinks the high fructose corn syrup and artificial flavors can be very bad for long term health, fruit or vegetable juice or water is always better. I see you don’t have a Steemit Profile Picture I made a contest post on the bottom it will teach you, then after you make yours feel free to enter the contest to create mine.