"You can try this at home, you can be just like me"

in #introduce9 years ago (edited)

"Quick Paul, put up an introduction on steemit before beta ends!"

As the IM my brother sends me dredges up inconclusive ideas from the back of my mind that I have been intending to compile for a while now, I realize the hard truth is that I don't actually know who I am or what I will do yet. I can only tell you where I've been and what comprises me and my intentions. No proof really, I don't have much to show for myself.

Big bro has a knack for writing and did a hit piece on himself that anthropomorphized himself as Tin Man from Wizard of Oz as his spirit character. I wish I knew my own. I think I could be Don Quixote. Bat shit crazy in practice, fueled by idealism so black and white that it's self destructive.

As my mind starts breaking off into tangents I have to recenter on what is important to this intro and that's the steemit audience. More important than who I am would be what I intend to post here in the future.

As an amateur chopshop tinker I intend to post my inventions here because I have always wanted to find a practical balance between getting credit for my ideas and honouring the open source paradigm and sticking a salty shank into the statist patent system. If Elon Musk found it profitable to open his battery patent and Nikola Tesla was to cool to crack down on Marconi than I have no excuse.

I intend to have philosophy rants accompanying my DIY instructables as well. Rants that center on common law, rugged individualism anarcho capitalism, race and gender relations, parenting and education. I want to exhibit a manly man tough guy style to counter the cucked up culture of the status quo. I'll go into my experience with conservative values and reconcile some of the conflicting perspectives of contemporary personalities.

I'll try to give you a rough outline of my material to come:
My first project is a gravity harvester I invented and yes I am aware that they can't work I read all about it but I have to do it. It's been eating at me for 5 years and I must build it if for no other reason that to clear my focus for other things- closure if you will. It's maybe a bad idea for my credibility to start with something unanimously agreed to be impossible but in my experience, failure is one of the most important things to traverse and experience.
This first movie won't be as good of production quality because I only have a couple of smartphones and a Chinese knock-off GoPro to film with and I will be using an acquaintances 3D printer so I will have to record the rants later since well we don't speak the same language. Lol. I'm in Chile at the moment and though I do have an adequate printer of my own back home in Canada, I have decided to do this one here so I won't be able to give you a spontaneous dialogue while also being polite to my host. When I get back to Canada I will show you my hydrogen generator. I got it to slowly charge a bomb before I left and when I return I'll tune it up for automotive use. Swords into plow shears... right.

When I return to Canada I will set up my forge and start some basic metal working. I don't intend to get good enough to make fancy art or intricate machinery, I just want to develop the skills to recycle scrap iron with basic tools because every hour spent refining a skill is an hour not spent doing everything else and I've heard it said that it takes 10 000 hours to get really good at things. Hopefully the same tools double up for glass work. I'd love to be able to recycle bottles into greenhouse paneling. I also like to dabble in how it was done in the olden days before I take up a high tech trade. I will show you guys my mutiplaz when I get it.

When I return to the family farm in Canada I will be experimenting with small sailboats and my argo so as to create an ideal combination of vehicles that can be manned with a skeleton crew of me myself and I beyond the scope of state controlled roads and canals.
I had an ultralight before I left but the PPC really wasn't adequate for what I was going for so in a couple years I'll try something else and be sure to include you guys in on it. I think I need a fixed wing with pontoons and balloon tires for the type of un-fettered get-in-and-go travel that I was looking for. It was a ton of fun to just cruise around with on the prairies but it was a little bitch in the slightest breeze and I was always paranoid of my parachute dragging on the ground during take off and landing.

You can also look forward to some gun smithing. Some of the things I am preparing though will have to be done out on international waters though if you know what I mean ;)

There'll be a learning curb with the cinematography obviously but when I get rolling I should be able to have a couple a shows out for you all this year. I don't want to be like a dedicated youtuber or anything- I dunno I'm torn, I don't know if I should do this or not. You know people go out and watch inspiring movies like Matrix or V for Vendetta or Firefly but then they get their rush and then go back to being a slave. If I can inspire people to be badass than I will but if all I accomplish is distraction than I won't do it. I'll have to keep an ear to the ground in the comments section when I start putting out material and honing in on my style and content.

OK I guess I should do a run down on my basic 'qualifications'

9 years of formal music lessons 3 piano, 3 guitar, 3 flute. (of which I remember 0)
summer jobs on farms cleaning bins and driving 3ton trucks, swathers and cultivators
barely graduated public high school in small town SK in '09
2 years changing oil and tires.
4 years drafting with a bit of 3d laser surveying and concrete QC for a small engineering firm.

I got like 5 lessons into Pimsleur and Duo Lingo claims I am 57% fluent in Spanish. I haven't dreamed in Spanish yet though.

I can drive stick. Dad refused to help me. One of his better parenting decisions actually- he'd describe what to do when I asked but it is best to let kids figure shit out if you can afford to. I had experience with quads and automatics already and the car I was in was a shitty old bucket that I would later own anyways plus we lived out on the farm so I would be less likely to hurt anyone. Instead he watched laughing from the house. The first time I got the car to move I crashed into a fuel tank... turns out they don't explode. Lol

I can shoot. I took a firearms course in junior high but it was a joke. I tied for 1st place with the only adult in the class but honestly, I learned more from pulling apart sks' on my own dime than anything. Oh and I can't not mention the Blackwater merc that ran the gunshop in town. He was a goldmine of knowledge whenever I would visit.

I can swim. Failed the last lesson twice and gave up. I didn't swim fast enough and can't dolphin swim which is a retarded technique that I would never use anyways if I remember correctly and I wasn't trying out for lifeguard or anything so I'm not to disappointing, just glad to have some boat safety and first responder practice and a pre context for diving someday.

I can fly. I bought a PPC and took off solo without ever having flown before. Lessons are for sane people and I fancy myself a pioneer. A pioneer in search of a frontier.

By the way I think this is a good time for a disclaimer. I can't be held responsible for your damages if you decide to do something reckless. I won't say; "don't try this at home" on the contrary, you'll often hear me quote Eminem; "you can try this at home, you can be just like me" I'm trying to tell you to have a good idea of your limits. I don't look like a safety nerd but I am actually kind of anal about certain safety concepts and this is the way I have lived my whole life so if you are aren't familiar with these types of things please don't jump into them- I know I just finished talking smack about lessons but- ugh, I can tell these caveats are going to be a problem. OK for flying, sure there is nothing quite like it to prepare for it but (and this will sound childish and naive but hear me out) I have done a few vaguely similar things-well gaming is getting more realistic all the time so flight sims actually do have some learning value and RC aircraft and even if you ever made a kite in kindergarten, it all adds up. Some people need psychedelics to become one with the kite but not me. For instance I was once laying on the grass watching cumulus clouds drift and then I hit this state of perception where it felt like the clouds where stationary and it was the earth moving. Not particularly helpful but it's how abstract I can visualize. I know I know, not an argument. Lol. More importantly though, I don't have any dependents or debts. My family knows that I don't want a funeral. I would prepare a coffin or urn ahead of time if those things where important to me. They know to just salvage what organ tissue they can and compost the rest. Finders keepers. I hesitate to use the word 'meditate' but I do ponder intensively on what a crash or death would be like. I'm not a religious guy but I do intend on dying with a clear conscience. I'm no saint, but I have never broken the NAP or advocated others to for me... more than I can say for most.

Well thanks for humoring my first draft at introspection. As time marches on I expect it will be refined.


Great to have you around!

Paul, meet Wang. He's special. :P

I swear he got here and upvoted and replied the second I published. Is he a bot or something?

I can't wait to get a paraplane down here. Giving rides to tourists in the summer will be such a fun little home business to do on the side.

totally, I want to build a mini aircraft carrier for ultralights complete with launch and land cable and skyhook relay.