Introduction post - Happy to be in the Dojo of Steem
This is me sayig hello in #introduceyourself Sign has been made with love and care by my two young sons, Monty and Casper. Thanks kids :) EDIT: The sign seems to be have been a roaring success so they will split the post donation. In time, I'll get them to make a post themselves with how they spent their steem.
I used to be a personal trainer for the last 15 years, that was until a friend introduced me to blockchain technology. Since that day, I've never looked back. EDIT 2: I made another post here but it'll be the one and only fitness related post I do on Steem :)
I'm excited about how the blockchain is going to change the landscape for my children and it's only going to be for the better when you look at the core concepts, principles and opportunitues that await in this emerging area of technology.
Things I like:
Distributed Cloud Storage
I'm a huge advocate of distributed file sharing. Namely:
Just for transparency, I'm invested in the top two as well as operate Storj Share on my computer, renting 100gb of space to the beta testing. The developers in those 3 incredible projects are fantastic and I encourage anyone who wants to participate in the anti-dropbox movement to check them out. Together, we can all share our hard drive space with each other andget rewarded financially, cutting out the middleman whilst retaining privacy and control.
Crypto Asset Project. "Bits N Crypts"
My main project is building a decentralised organisation tracking blockchain investments and crypto assets where members can invest as much or as little fiat currency as they like to develop the groups assets. The idea is that fiat goes in but we try our hardest to keep funds in Cryptos as much as possible from an ideological viewpoint. With upcoming apps such as meaning the cryptocommunity will have to cash out less and less to "dirty fiat", good times are ahead. Keep it in the family (community) so to speak.
The organisation will have the ability to make effective decisions is predicated upon “the Wisdom of Crowds”. Given a sufficiently diverse group of people able to make independent decisions, the collective group of investors will more reliably make smart decisions more accurately than any one person with a high level of investment experience.
All you need is:
- To be independent if other investors
- Have a wide variety of opinions
- Can make fast decisions based on the information at hand.
In a nutshell, it's an investment group for everyday folk who don't know much about Cryptocurrencies and want to learn as they go by contributing to the actual proposals for investment. It's built on the platform and will operate as a DAO, albeit a much more intimate and cosy creation.
Why am I on STEEMIT?
I'm the official FACEBOOK HATER. It's evil, it's up to no good, it makes so much money from all of its users and it's the biggest attack on privacy in the last 10 years. I use twitter in small doses as a conduit to those people I like listening to but I also create interaction and connection to other like minded souls. I had hopes for the Ethereum social media start up Akasha but that project seems such a long way down the road. I then spotted Steemit a few weeks ago making waves as immediately thought "these guys are actually doing it real time". So, that's me!
All that's left to say is that I'm Melbourne based, I love my life and my family and I'm here to learn as much as I can from other people on all manner of topics not just the based on the industry that I'm currently focused on.
Finally, a massive well done to the Steemit team, you guys are amazing. Can't wait for phase two marketplace, private messaging and to see how far you can push this ecosystem.
Welcome, and nice pic, you just invented proof-of-stickers!
Are you also following IPFS and Safenet?
Thanks :) I was following safenet for a long time and that team have been hard at work for some time. I feel it's one for the long term and it has potential for sure. I'm a very small investor and with everything I buy, it's never for a pump and short term outcome. I didn't mention it in the post and I feel the steemit crowd might "get" something like Storj more. Maybe that's just me though, I'll edit the post after a few days after more feedback :)
The web NEEDS IPFS as the current model is broken. I'll try and write a rundown of IPFS in another post. Techcrunch did a great article on IPFS a while ago...
edit: Maidsafe's roadmap has been written by a pro when compared to it's competitors. If they can stick to that, then i'm even more interested :)
Great to have you here!
Hey, Isn't Wang the bot I keep hearing about? :D
Keep it Clean!
You should post a link to this in #introduceyourself, it's the standard place for introductions.
Many thanks, I've tried to re-tag but it's just not working. I'll ask a mod (anyone... help!) and see if they can adjust
only you can edit your post (this is a blockchain, remember?:)
and add #introduceyourself to the body or with a whitespace to the tag (without #)and welcome!
In the body. Ah! Just found that post by searching also. Many thanks :)
I love your unique creative sign 👍🏼
Thanks :) My two young boys are now asking me for a split of the donations for this post so if anyone wants a steemit sign making then they might be looking to start their own business :)
Stepping up the intro posts, I like it! I invested a bit in the Plutus ico, it's one thats been in the pipeline for a few months so I've had enough time to properly look into it. Very promising, still reading up on Wings though.
I've found this site pretty useful as an overview of future opportunities:
Alex runs a nice telegram group for icocountdown, some good info passes through there :)
I invested a small amount also in Plutus, just enough to show some appreciation and I hope they get it to market in Q4. Apple pulled the pin on them which is a bit shit for them as that's a huge market share but the video of it in action is very encouraging.
Wings looks amazing and can't wait to support it and use it myself. Couldn't come sooner for Ethereum.
I'm hoping ETH drops to sub $6 where I'll jump back in as the dev team are incredible and I want to support its long term success but the next two weeks are critical.
Always exciting in crypto land :)