MY NEW STEEMIT FAMILY… AND I BE SINGIN IT FROM THE MOUNTAIN TOPS! I'm here to keep it fresh. Not all bout alternative Facebook & Bitcoin but now It be STEEM!

in #introduce-myself8 years ago (edited)

Well Hello there everyone. Nice meeting you and I hope whatever you are hoping for, I hope today's your day and it's got your name written all over it!
Read all the way to the end!! If you wanna get all STEEMY.......please(?)
( I'm gonna be workin on a better introduction as time goes on)
Because as you read on in the future you'll agree I can do better at makin a first impression. Just don't focus all on my first sentence. It's like a really really bad crypto dating site pickup line.... (hey wait a minute....a crypto daaattting site)

Like meeting your future wife's parents for the first time because for me....jumping on board Steemit is more then Crypto. It's beyond the $$$. I'm not going to start a realtionship off on a lie though... I'm far from shakin a stick at the (free?$$??) it's almost like my girlfriends parents already decided to give me an inheritance just by introducing myself. Hey Thanks ..No really... If it's gonna be like that I'll just keep reintroducing myself... It's as if my girls previous boyfriends really really sucked


& her parents were just so grateful that her new boyfriend made her happier then ever knowing that I was doing whatever it took to make her happy.... As if they were reciprocating out of gratitude......(heyyyyyy wait a minute) anyone feelin where that could go?
To stay on track though... I've forever been in search of the "Omni"-family. Seeking The potential I notice in everyone that would bring us all together as a family... That pivotal mark in time I feel we all have been waiting for.... AND we aren't here to just be lucky enough to watch it happen but I feel the Steemit Tribe is possibly a huge crucial component in whatever force is spearheading this Epic Transformation in the works.
I'll start by letting you know that this is the very first Blog I've ever tried to put together. Let me pre-apologize if you get torchered first round. I've got the gift Ta gab with a whole duffle bag full of 2cents good chance with the help of y'all this will change and you hopefully won't use my blogging to help anyone with nighttime restlessness and are desperately needing sleep.

So it's safe to say that I'm just an average run-of-the-mill-guy .....but not really at the same time. From since I was a teenager I was pretty big into conspiracy theory angles of thought . Even at an earlier age I always had a horribly good intuitive sense which is more of a curse then a blessing. I always had that feeling that the world we live in was missing something or there was something that was keeping us from being on point to where we as a community, as a whole, we have been held back from reaching our fullest potential. I was young so what did I know? I just knew in my core that there was so much more good to know there then we can see or feel . Comes off as a pretty depressing first post as I reread my opening lines but it's not... Hopefully you'll see.
The older I got the more I realize how many of these conspiracy theories were actually hard to not believe. And that I was not alone in anyway in believing them. My poor daughter... she has just begun tapping into and diving in deep into conspiracy theories. I tell her... ' Turn child... Turn & run the other way. Don't go down that road. You're only gonna create some serious rubbernecking the rest of your days. It's like a bad accident. Oh hell no...We want no part of it yet we just ...can't.... Stop... from Looking . Except this accident your turn around to go take another look annnd another annnd ..... You want Ta help somehow but the damage is already done but you convince yourself that there's a chance you can undo the whole accident but quickly come to find that you just can't find any way to help. Except you keep doing loops, looking at the accident rethinking it to where you trick yourself into believing that there actually is something you can do to undo or fix the just drive off feeling borderline insane because you feel like you should know what to do. ExceeepT your just creating hardcore rubbernecking. You start driving everyone around you nuts and convince them that 1. you are nuts actually and 2. you are boring as hell. To the point that I think they really would rather watch paint dry! I told her .... It never stops. You might not go down that road as much but your stuck with the vision forever. Deep seeded. Boy do I love my daughter. I feel bad that her bliss of that department......Gone....At least I now have someone to ramble on about conspiracy theories with. Someone to mess I was was kids that age 13 ,14, 15 that quickly through my way of thinking was naturally finding myself on a course of inner discovery and purpose . But fortunately I would get stuck on noticing the not so bright side of things and thoughts. As time though progressed and I got older , through practice that changed and I started seeing the brighter side of most everything. Except I still cannot shake that feeling of that missing link. I got caught on noticing all the suffering that goes on in the world and within most and every person I would cross pass with. I found myself in my later teens, where it really began that every single morning I would wake up and think of what I could do to make this world a better place not just for me but for everybody and everything. That still goes on this day at age 39. Once again even though I'm trying not to see it like this but it feels like more of a curse than a blessing but I know deep down that it's not a bad way to wake up every morning. At this moment you might recognize that I am not much of a blogger so to say. I've actually never posted a blog in my life. Because of all of the conspiracy theory ways of thinking I kept my personal life amongst myself myself ,myselff, and maybe one other person. When my space first came out and found that I was pretty much the lone Ranger amongst all of my friends and their friends that I felt that it was a big red flag . The way it was designed and set up I felt it was the perfect platform for the groups that we most speak of authoritatively to connect all the dots and somehow keep track of people's personal lives and reap benefits off of that knowledge! I still almost feel that way. Then Facebook came along and I wanted no part of it. Except one day a friend of mine asked my email address and set up a Facebook account without me knowing. That night I went home and decided just to take a look. Being that I did a serious amount of traveling in my teens and 20s, I met a pretty serious amount of people and I found that in just a few hours 30 something people had gotten touch with me through Facebook . That night I also discovered that I have addictive genes threaded through my DNA. As from that day on I was hooked on face crack Like most likely 99% of most of you here at Steemm, I assume. After a while I discovered all the reasons why many of you might be here., Ads started nonstop popping up about what I would post about. Not only on my Facebook feed but in my email. Rules and rules and rules afnd restrictions it seemed every other week. Once again triggering those conspiracy theory thoughts. At the same time I am noticing all the craziness going on in the world. I've been started to notice the not so bright sides of everything again mostly when I was on Facebook. I realized how much time I was wasting and how emotionally involved I was getting with other people's lives and situations. Forgetting that that's their lives that's their situations. Being an empathist , I married their emotions and got stuck watching all the time of my day getting siphoned into Facebook left with nothing other than stream of emotions of my own that were keeping me from being the best person I can and in return forgetting how to focus on helping make this world a better place. I'm not saying Facebook or Reddit, it or any other social platform is bad. It was just bad for me hearing alongside with this I had my financial crisis as many of you probably have had over the past and full of years and countless other hurdles in my life . Through Facebook financial concerns became a primary focus of mine which I vowed to not let happen. Watching everybody go here travel their purchase this… Blah blah blah ..After a while I decided to figure out ways to eliminate money from defining who I truly am . I still couldn't shake though being conspiracy theories and the situations going on in the world that affected everybody mostly due to financial crisis and corruption. I then came across bitcoin and started researching it . Not knowing what to make of it without touching it I decided to get into dabbling because of the basic platform and idea as to what it is designed to do and reinforced some of the reasons why I try to eliminate money from defining who I really am . I noticed as bitcoin gained momentum I noticed just how much potential it had . Eliminating what I and most likely you believe pushes this world into some form of repression .
I bet I know what you're thinking, oh God another sad story where Bitcoin is going to save somebody's life.... Or not. But who knows what you're thinking. Shit maby it will ... Idk . Rest a sure .. That's not where I'm going (Yet) ..Screw Through Bitcoin and serfing through all the portals on the computer while watching Bitcoin go up and down up and down, I came across this social platform Streemit. Always hesitant about anything I see on the World wide web I checked it out for a while and discovered that it was nothing like Facebook or other social platforms. People on Streemit seem to have something to actually offer rather than if they put croutons on their salad that night or not . The more I read people's posts the more I was intrigued and the more I noticed just how many people thought along the lines I do. Whether Streemit is legit or not, that's not for me to decide. It will all unfold as time goes on. Yet it seems it's been unfolding quite nicely. I decided to hop on and join the community. Being that I told you I am not much of a blogger at all I'm not going to write myself up as anything special in anyway. I am going to post up what I believe in, and if that in anyway possible helps make this world a better place. What I post here will have every intention of that… At least I believe the whether or not my babble changes anybody's life for the better ..I have no idea . If it changes one persons life by joining this community that is all I care about. I'm just going to bring up whatever random topics are on my mind and share with you my thoughts and things are going on in my life that might spark some good. If it does it does if it doesn't well at least I tried and so it goes on. I'm still trying to get a feel for the incentive by paying to Streemits members but at this time in my life during the financial crisis I am in. I'll wtake it because well... I need to eat. And instead of sitting around watching time go by Idrather be a part of a community whether it be large or small and try to make a positive impact . So enough with the ramble… It's just me introducing myself . Hopefully whatever I say doesn't offend anybody. If it does sorry. Kinda....I'm a pretty blunt individual yet I will never try to intentionally put any disturbance in the force… We all know it just naturally happens. I actually find it more affective when I do create a ripple effect and get more opinions out there based on whatever topic I bring up. Just keep in mind ....keep it real ....keep it fresh & remember somebody's 100% opinion that is positive is somebody else's 100% negative opinion. So with that… What is everybody else's view on Steemit as opposed to other social platforms or just in general. What do you think you'll gain from it ? What do you think the pros and cons are? I think it's a pretty badass platform. I also need as many pointers as possible. I need to understand more about Steemit then I do. So bring it on! My next posts will be wayyy more interesting and hopefully I'll stir the pot A lot a good way. Only if people are reading my posts and checkin my pics. I've had a pretty crazy life with a hell of a lot of insane stories and I want your views and opinions. I want your feedback and hear about stories you have had ...I just want Ta hear whatever .... But keep stirring the pot at the same time. Idk start by hittin me with a damn good joke to get this motor Rollin. The best joke ...I will promote you somehow and believe me I'll get Steem momentum in your engine! I will put 10 Steem dollars in your wallet . This I promise you! Cuzz when you meet the family ... I was taught that it's always polite to bring something to the table!
Start to follow me because once I get on a roll..there's no stoppin me....I guess this time we'd be STEEMROLLIN it.

Make me laugh cuzz my Bitcoin value dropped .... And I've heard better jokes than that !


Nice post, Happy New Year

@vikramrana ....Thanks ! Kind of green behind the ears of a post (hahaa). I joined Steem about a year and a half ago. I knew zero about how to navigate the computer world until I made my first post. It’s pretty crazy that Steem hasn’t become the beast that it is on a larger scale. This is the home of opportunity. I’ve learned more from strangers then I ever have here through their abilities and desire and motive to share that all with each other. I’m sincerely honored and stoked for what Steem has done to pave the path for so many that may never had opportunities shown to them to gain traction in this nutty world ! One family member in particular ...... @stellabelle. She was the one who made me realize anyone’s potential here can be recognized and rewarded for it. With that .. Thank you and summing up my 2017 here at STEEM, Happy 2018 comin at ya!

Not one joke yet???? We gotta keep it Alive up in this House. Lossen up my people. Can't have stage fright here... Just picture all of us in our underwear! You can even joke about how I just spent an hour + trying to figure out how to upload my picture with no success. In a couple weeks I'm going to throw some strait steem into your account for dishing out the best joke with the most votes.
Oh & how the heck do I upload pictures.. I'm obviously 'that guy'