Music Interview with Bodacious Thang!

in #interview6 years ago (edited)


  1. In your Instagram bio you say you sing Electronic Church Soul. How has your spirituality influenced/ignited your music?

Well I guess it’s pretty obvious I grew up in church haha. One of the main things that lifestyle taught me is conviction. Say what you mean, mean what you say, and stand firm on your word. For better or for worse.

So when I sing, when Luis plays (the other band member :) ) we play to express ourselves and we give everything we got. The good, the bad, the ugly. That goes for the lyrics as well.

  1. Briefly described your creative process
    Sometimes Luis and I will sit and vamp on a riff or chord progression, singing different melodies. A lot of time Luis will make a track and email it to me and I’ll create lyrics/melody over his tracks and we’ll bounce back and forth until we find something we both like.
  1. What's your favorite part about performing/making music?

I’ve been performing since I was 4 so I really don’t know life without it. But I guess my favorite part about it is just the freedom. the stage is the only place I feel 100% complete. Hopefully, I’m able to inspire others to do what makes them feel that type of freedom as well.

  1. What are you up to next? What does the future hold?

We are officially releasing our first single of the year “Perfect Luv” this week and we are also playing the Gibson Showroom on April 19th in Los Angeles. For more updates on what we’re up to please follow us @bodaciousthang on Insta!