Special conversation with SuperNET/Iguana dev jl777 (Text & Audio interview)

in #interview8 years ago (edited)

Last month I got chance to interview jl777 on his project SuperNET, and it's core technology Iguana. It was later recorded as Audio Interview and broadcast on Core Radio run by lootz.

You can listen the recorded interview here: https://steemit.com/blockchain/@coreradio/supernet-jl777-and-the-iguana-technology

I'm sharing the text interview part here as is. Hope you'll like it. If you like it, please Follow me on Steemit. I'll be posting more contents and update relating to SuperNET and Iguana related technologies that I explore and work on everyday.




grewalsatinder [3:32 PM]  

@jl777: I created this channel so that I and @lootz could ask questions here.

Understand your concern on long list of questions.

I'll try to put some meaningful questions here. Please just ignore any question you don't find fit asking.

1. Those who have been with NXT and SuperNet know you are a long time developer in Blockchain technology. For those who might be listening to you for the first time, can you please tell us something about yourself?

2. Can you please explain in your words what is SuperNet as a technology so that even a grandpa could get it?

What does SuperNet solve for regular person?

3. Is SuperNet being developed only for technical geeks or should a regular person give it a try to understand as well?

4. How long has it been in development?

5. How you did you come up with the idea of SuperNet? What inspired you to work on this technology?

6. What were the problematic issues that you noticed with Bitcoin and it's later decedents that you thought SuperNET can solve?

jl777 [3:43 PM]  

1. I write C code, lots of C code. I like to fully understand things so I don’t have to rely on others to tell me what something does. I am stubborn and will keep working on a problem till it is solved

2. I dont think I can describe the technology in layman's terms, however the goal of the tech is to make blockchains as easy to use as Apple products

3. Mass market adoption is needed for crypto to achieve mass market adoption. That means it needs to be easy to install and use.

4. over 2 years, but I work 16hr days 7 days a week, with just a few days off, so 2+ years for me is like 5+ years for most. I have written almost 200,000 lines of code for SuperNET, but majority has been deprecated. Also my C code is said to be about 3x denser than typical C code

5. Back in 2013, there were very few crypto projects that weren’t just bitcoin with a few changes. But there were a few projects with active development but due to the ease of making a new bitcoin fork, that is what a lot of projects did and they were detracting from the projects doing advancements. To solve the ease of use issue, it needs to present a single interface to the user, not hundreds of different coins. Most grandpas do not want to deal with more than one currency and already we are doubling it from their fiat to fiat + bitcoin

6. Bitcoin was is hard to use, even as a developer. Things like multisig are there, sort of, but not really. The low level bitcoind doesn’t really know about multisig addresses, it deals with things at the script level, i.e. is this script for an unspent output validly signed or not, and it isn’t actually dealing with balances in addresses. So there was a lot of code to write to catch up to existing bitcoin code, but I had to do that as the current bitcoin code is not practical for mass market usage. It isn’t easy even for experts to install, let alone grandpa.

There are many crypto currencies and there will continue to be more and more due to the low cost of making a new one. However, if a single interface is needed that means the proper design is to have a single piece of software be able to talk to all the coins at once. That is what iguana does. A single thing that at the same time can talk to many coins at once.

grewalsatinder [3:59 PM]  

Thanks :)

7. There are many other projects, big and small trying to make better versions of Blockchain technlogy. We have seen Litecoin after Bitcoin; we saw Ethereum smart contract blockchain managing money in smarter ways, we also witnessed 1 od the biggest crowd sales of Decentralized Autonomous Organization with whooping $150 million dollar raised ONly to see it get hacked in the end. It's a very dangerous and risky technology to put money into. What do you think about it? Is it still a good time for people to invest into blockchain related projects like SuperNet?

8. What is Iguana?

9. What are the features of Iguana?

10. How Iguana is more smaller and faster than Bitcoin and other blockchains? What magic did you put into it that other blockchain developers yet have not? Can you please explain it in terms of regular Bitcoin user may be?

jl777 [4:09 PM]  

7. It is not a good idea to group all crypto projects into the same category. Like during the early days of internet, there were a large number of well-funded companies. Most ended up as footnotes, but Google, Facebook and many others came to be very good investments. DAO was a particularly dangerous investment with half a dozen known attack vectors. For now, I would suggest a diversification strategy to make sure you have a stake in all the promising projects, but stay away from ones that have a large number of unaddressed security flaws. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket and never invest more than you can afford to lose. This is a lot more work to do, but it is good advice nonetheless.

8. Iguana is the core of SuperNET platform. It implements many layers of functionality, starting with the bitcoin protocol, but all the way up to smartchains.

9. It would take a long interview to go over all the features of iguana. The most obvious is that it is fast to sync Blockchains. Given enough bandwidth, the entire bitcoin blockchain can be parallel synced in about an hour. That is for the entire blockchain, and not just catching up for a week or two.

grewalsatinder [4:17 PM]  

Yes, sounds fair that Only iguana alone might take a dedicated interview. May be we can cover iguana in future interviews to some deeper level. :) I can still continue with other related questions.

jl777 [4:17 PM]

10. I wrote everything from scratch in C, the total codebase ends up at less than 2MB for the basic node, and about 3MB for the node with all the advanced features. I didn’t write the crypto primitive code, but used existing libraries for that, but other than the crypto algorithms, iguana basic node uses only PThread as an external library. The version that enables advanced features currently depends on CURL, which depends on an SSL library, but this is used only for accessing websites.

Iguana does not use a database to store the blockchain. Since the blockchain doesn’t change after it is fully confirmed, using a database is not the most efficient and it typically the bottleneck for performance.

Since everything was written from scratch, whenever possible, I made things just a bit more efficient and it combines to be able to do a lot more with a lot less overall code.

Most programmers don’t code in C anymore and rely on higher level languages to do the time consuming details. This saves time when coding, but ends up with a less efficient final product.

And C + lots of libraries has a similar effect, so my using C and no external libraries, especially no database, is probably the main enabler to the much smaller footprint.

Being in pure C, it is possible to compile iguana to be a Chrome Application.

The reason it is so important to reduce the resource usage as much as possible is that iguana needs to talk to many coins at once, so whatever overhead it takes to deal with one coin, will take N times as much to deal with N coins.

grewalsatinder [4:28 PM]  

11. I don't think I know of any other project which runs full blockchain and that too multiple blockchains in just a web browser. That's one nice feature to have. But many people doesn't like Google Chrome due to different reasons. Are there any bottlenecks of having a full blockchain application running in web browser? Does Iguana support any other browsers or will it? Is there any minimum requirements to run Iguana in a web browser? Can it run on my low powered notebook like Chromebook too? (edited)

jl777 [4:32 PM]  

Non-chrome browsers will be able to be supported using EMScripten once it supports PThreads. Experimental versions already do, so that should be possible soon. If Chromebooks run chrome apps, then iguana chrome app should work, but I haven’t personally tested this as I don’t have one. I am limiting the chrome app to being a basilisk node as loading any blockchain via chrome app is not very practical. Especially if a smartphone that uses expensive bandwidth is used.

Basilisk is essentially iguana codebase, but it is in a special mode where it asks random iguana full nodes for help. These iguana full nodes will do some things for free (within reason), but there will be services that the basilisk nodes will need to make very small payments for. This allows a self-sustaining network to be created. Also, the fees will be market driven, so if one iguana node starts charging a lot more than the other iguanas, then the basilisks would just not ask that expensive iguana for the remote calls.

grewalsatinder [4:43 PM]  

12. It's mind blowing that Iguana being so tiny in it's size and even running in web browser being able to install and run with just a single click can run multiple blockchains at the same time. So, which blockchains Iguana have tested so far which runs with it? Like Litecoin, Dogecoin, Namecoin, Dash, Monaro, NXT, Ethereum are some top few currencies comes to my mind at the moment; are those all supported by iguana?

13. Does that mean running all these multiple chains we also get all the extra features those blockchains provide? Like with Namecoin we can register and use Decentralized DNS system, and with Monero we can do anonymous transactions etc. Will we be able to have such features with those blockchains runnig using Iguana?

14. So, Basilisk is a lite mode of iguana. Is it like the Electrum lite wallet of Bitcoin? Would that be right to say? What other modes there are in Iguana?

15. Smartphones likes Android and Apple only support Bitcoin and such wallets which does not hold full blockchains on it. Do you think Iguana can do that? Do you think it'll ever be good to run full iguana nodes with bulky blockchains on Mobile phones or tables may be?

jl777 [4:46 PM]  

12. BTC and BTCD are the two reference currencies I developed iguana on, doing my best to abstract any differences. I added LTC and SYS one day to make sure other currencies can be added without much work. I also have it syncing to the zcash testnet. So this covers most of the range of bitcoin protocol coins. However non-bitcoin protocol coins are not directly supported by iguana, so things like monero, NXT, ethereum wont get native iguana support anytime soon

13. iguana only does the common denominator bitcoin protocol, so any enhancements of a coin are beyond what iguana knows. special code would need to be added for each enhancement added to the bitcoin protocol. What this means is that the coins that have done the most changes to bitcoin, like SYS and VPN will be the most work to support. But it also means that any plain bitcoin fork will be fully supported by iguana

14. not exactly. my understanding is that electrum needs special servers. basilisk is decentralized and there is no special server. it queries the iguana full nodes, so it is more similar to SuperNET lite

15. I doubt bitcoin ever becomes practical to store entirely on a phone, but with basilisk there is no need to, the only downside is that it is a bit slower to do new transactions, but the time savings of not needing a blockchain more than makes up for it. basilisk nodes are fully decentralized and trustless, the only information it is requesting from the iguana nodes are publicly available blockchain information. Well actually, it is one level up, at the block explorer level.

bitcoind does not include block explorer level data, you need to add yet another database and block explorer code to get that. with iguana a block explorer access comes built in. In fact, you can query the balance of any address as of any height, which I am not sure even blockchain.info allows you to do. Most people are not aware of the low level nature of the bitcoin RPC and dont realize an entirely new layer of abstraction is needed to create balances for addresses

grewalsatinder [4:55 PM]  

16. Okay, so Bitcoin and BitcoinDark are the main currencies of Iguana? In case if I don't have any Bitcoin or BitcoinDark and I want to use some other CryptoCurreny like Litecoin or Dogecoin does that mean I need Bitcoin or BitcoinDark? I won't be able to use other currencies without them?

jl777 [4:59 PM]  

Since most of the services will require a small amount of BitcoinDark, without it you would need to at least convert some other currency. I plan to have easy ways  to automatically convert small amounts, since it is for paying txfees and basilisk fees, the total amount will not require precise market based exchange rates that atomic swaps would.

that being said, it probably would be possible to use the free mode without any currencies at all, but I do assume BitcoinDark whenever some sort of payment is needed and with the autoconversion I dont see it as any practical barrier

grewalsatinder [6:18 PM]  

17. I have invested in multiple crypto projects, so hold many crypto currency wallets and sorts of tokens of crypto shares or so called NXT Assets like shares in stocks. Does that also mean I can have all of those crypto currencies which are supported by Iguana can be just hold in single wallet?

18. I have multiple wallets with me with encrypted password protection and some are multisignature accounts. You think I can move them all to Iguana and still have multisignature wallet? Do I have to login to each wallet in Iguana to access my crypto currency?

19. Can I also hold my NXT Assets in Iguana?

20. There is still a thing which sounds confusing. You said Iguana is a core of SuperNet Platform. What you do mean by Iguana as core? Does that mean SuperNet is something else? What is SuperNet then? Please help me clear this confusion.

jl777 [6:23 PM]  

17. it will not be realistic for iguana to immediately support all possible crypto investments due to the large variety, but starting with bitcoin and all compatibles is  a good start. long term that is the goal, to have a single unified view (wallet) for all crypto and to be able to view it in terms of the user's local fiat

18. iguana can import privkeys, so by importing all the various privkeys into the same passphrase encryted "wallet", then a single login will provide access to all the differrent privkeys. unlike bitcoin where the wallet is not only the privkeys, but all the transactions done by these privkeys, in iguana it is only the privkeys that is stored. what this means is importing a privkey is a matter of seconds, not hours.

19. iguana does not directly support NXT protocol at this time

20. SuperNET has a core holdings aspect that is independent from its tech and in fact is usually trading right around the value of these holdings. What that means is that the cost for all the future potential is near zero.

technically, there are several layers of software and iguana implements many of these levels, but it is convenient at times to talk about just one specific tech, ie. DEX. So even though DEX is technically part of the iguana codebase, it is operating at the "dapp" level and using the iguana core

grewalsatinder [6:38 PM]  

21. Are you talking SuperNET as an NXT Asset or you are talking SuperNET as some decentralized Network? I’ll come to SuperNet as asset questions further in conversation. :)

jl777 [6:39 PM]  

21. There is SuperNET as NXT asset and also trading on poloniex as UNITY

So SuperNET has several meanings, it is probably more precise to use the appropriate lizard terminology to drill down to the specific tech

grewalsatinder [6:41 PM]  

22. Okay, fair enough. I see this conversation going technical, as the subject is technical in itself. This one is just a general question before continuing on Iguana topic, James. I watched a video of Andreas Antonopoulos, who is the writer of Mastering Bitcoin book. He said in his video that it took 10 years of difference between he and his mother to use Email. He used Email through unix commands in 1990s, and his mother just swiped a button on a tablet and sent email using that. When you think we'll be able to see such easiness in Blockchain technology? Do you think we'll still call this technology Blockchain in future, like years ago we called Internet, Internet and we still call it the same. What's your opinion on it? (edited)

jl777 [6:47 PM]  

I think blockchain in the future will be like tcp/ip and http, ie. under the hood details. really what the blockchain tech will become is most money things, ie. bank accounts, etc. along with other use cases that are suited for blockchain's to solve. abstracting the blockchain, it is the ability for a group of people that dont trust each other to cooperatively make sure everybody has the same numbers. this relates directly to public funds and budgets, auditing, but first step is to allow a button on a tablet to do crypto to buy something

grewalsatinder [6:55 PM]  

23. This sounds interesting. You mentioned DEX, which I understand stands for Decentralized Exchange. Correct? Tell us something more on it. What is it, and how it's useful in Iguana? What different it’s bringing that other projects like NXT, Bitshares or Counterparty isn’t.

24. If I'm correct, there's another technical feature in Iguana named Gecko. Is that correct? What is Gecko?

jl777 [7:00 PM]  

23. DEX (short for InstantDEX) is the atomic cross chain swap that is built into iguana, well, on top of the iguana core

DEX will directly exchange crypto coins in your local wallet, so there is no need for any intermediary. you always control the coins, even when using basilisk

24. gecko is a lizard name for the smartchain, which is  a dedicated blockchain for a single specific application. there have been some notorious incidents with dapps gone wrong.... gecko's approach isolates all issues specific to a single dapp into a single smartchain. that way, if anything goes wrong, it only affects that single smartchain and it wont drag the main currency into some hardfork controversy, as there is no main chain that is master of all chains. If there is, then it is sort of a centralized decentralization. Meaning if the main chain (which is decentralized) is compromised, all subordinate things are also compromised.

with smartchains, they are all isolated from each other. this also radically reduces the amount of data that needs to be stored. each gecko is a specialist that only knows about its own smartchain, so no need to store data or bother with any other gecko. unless you want to.

however, all these smartchains are backward compatible with the bitcoin protocol for basic coin operations and they can interoperate with each other, including atomic swaps

grewalsatinder [7:32 PM]  

25. Wow! This whole stuff sounds crazilly innovative! To my knowledge I don't know any other single blockchain project who offers cross blockchain exchange. I saw some threads on BitcoinTalk forum regarding Atomic Swap and it's nothing like Asset Echange. If I have some Litecoins and for example I have to pay someone in Bitcoin, it's like I'm just sending that person some amount of Litecoin which automatically converts to Bitcoin and get paid to that person. And there's no middleman like Western Union, if we take analogy of fiat money in this crypto coin exchange. It’s that right? This whole atomic swap exchange is automated in Iguana? Is that already coded in Iguana or still being developed? At what stage it is?

26. And now these smartass Gecko Smartchains!! These sounds more like Ethereum. Is it anything like Ethereum? You developed some kind of smart contract running Blockchain using Iguana? With Ethereum the developers developed Solidity language to write smart contracts. Does Gecko smartchains also use such kind of smart contract language to develop Decentralised Apps (DAPPs)?

27. Gecko smartchains are still a big concept to grasp. It's getting much technical here. I read on Blocksteams's Sidechains, which will run along side Bitcoin blockchain and will do the same kind of things like Atomic Swap, micro payments etc. Why does Gecko smartchains sound so similar concept to sidechains? How it's similar or different to sidechains? But you said there's no master chain of any Gecko smartchain and no hardfork of main chain can change or affect Gecko smartchain. That on it's own looks like a breakthrough! How far is it in development?

jl777 [8:07 PM]  

25. correct. even the other blockchain projects that allow for exchanging typically use an intermediate asset. I actually pioneered that 2 years ago with multigateway (MGW) where there is an asset that represents the bitcoin. Then you can trade the asset trustlessly using the asset exchange. this requires depositing the bitcoin to the MGW, getting the BTCasset, then using it and to get it back into BTC, you need to withdraw the asset.

atomic swap skips even the step to convert to an asset. it goes from wallet to wallet. today I am debugging this automation. I originally required that you are running a full iguana node for both coins to be able to atomic swap, but that means if you want to swap BTC you would need a full BTC iguana node and while it can sync much much faster it still uses up a lot of HDD space and system resources due to the monster size of BTC blockchain. I develop on a very slow macbook air, so I can detect when the code is slow and I cant run a full bitcoin iguana as I only have 20GB of disk space free. What that means is that I need to get atomic swaps working for basilisk nodes

Once I get that working, it would mean that if any where in the iguana cloud, a coin is supported, then all basilisk nodes will be able to not only have local wallets for that coin, but also to atomic swap using the DEX.

There is a realtime auction system that I made recently that simplifies the process of doing a DEX swap. You basically submit a form that says you have X amount of coinA and want to swap it into coinB. this sends the query to the special relay nodes, i will explain more about these special relays later if you ask about them. All the nodes that are liquidity providers would then get your request for a swap and if they have inventory available, they will publish a quote.

Now this is all out in the public, so all the nodes can be watching the other nodes to make sure there is no funny business, or even an attempt at funny business. You node will be watching the network for the best quote and if you set a minimum acceptable price along with automatic mode, then after 30 seconds it will start the atomic swap with the highest price. if automatic mode is not set, then you will need to select from the list of quotes before 60 seconds

the time is short as the prices are changing quickly and this is just to start the process. to complete it invokes a fairly complex protocol that includes waiting for blocks to confirm, but the idea is that once you agree to the swap, both sides will automatically process things till the trade completes, or if abandoned by one side, then reclaiming all the funds

analogy is directly swapping dollars for euros without any middlemen and it is secured by using atomic crypto protocol, so you dont have to worry about sending your money and not getting anything back. worst case is that you get your money back

jl777 [8:15 PM]  

27. remember when I said iguana can run many coins at once? like running BTC and BTCD and LTC all at the same time. the gecko are like a totally new altcoin, so it isnt any sidechain but its own chain. Now the "smart" part comes from whatever enhancements to bitcoin protocol that a specific gecko does. I have things setup so you can add new script opcodes, create a data overlay to encode an arbitrary command set, even add new network protocol messages. All directly into the smartchain. This is a compiled approach versus the interpreted approach that is used by the scripting smart contract systems. With a compiled approach, the developer just codes what the dapp needs and only what the dapp needs. Any language that creates linkable object files can be used, but of course I code mine in C. The DEX dapp is less than 1000 lines of code and I expect a lot of dapps can be done with a relatively small amount of code, much less than 1000 lines.

a simple case would be an assetchain, where the smartchain only does basic coin operations and things like dividends. the coin for that chain would be the asset and it would secure itself using a three stage process, starting with PoS using itself. The problem with small blockchains is that their security is rather weak and they are subject to attacks, ie double spends. gecko solves this using dPoW and it secures the smartchain using the massive bitcoin hashrate, but details on this is still being finalized so will need another time to explain in depth

jl777 [8:17 PM]  

currently, I have a smartchain able to be created via a single BTCD OP_RETURN and it starts mining new blocks. transactions are accepted and it uses the iguana codebase so it is bitcoin RPC compatible

however, the smartchain code is still young and I am prioritizing getting DEX swaps working first

26. I use C that is compiled into the smartchain directly.

since each gecko is independent, you could just fork iguana, add enhancements and publish an announcement of the smartchain. other nodes will be able to connect to it, or simply make basilisk requests to it

so all the low level infrastructure is in place and that allows projects to do just the 10% that is different about their enhancements and inherit the backward compatibility with bitcoin, and all the power of iguana API

I forgot to describe the virtual chain vs private chain...

the assetchain usage is expected to create a lot of relatively low activity blockchains and it doesnt make sense to have to run many physical nodes to keep the chain running. That is where virtual chains come in handy, the actual hardware to run the smartchain can be done by the iguana full nodes. they dont need to know what the contents of the tx data means, just whether it is validly signed or not. So that means you could start a new chain without any VPS nodes at all. Of course if your smartchain is making a lot of usage of the iguana nodes, they will notice and likely require payments over and above the fee to create the chain. At that point you can either pay incrementally or just start running your own nodes, in which case it operates as a normal altcoin

there will be a cost to create a new smart chain to cover node costs, but a 6 letter smartchain would cost 1 BTCD, so that is less than the cost of 1 month VPS for a single node. This fee is shared between the crypto777 asset and the iguana nodes. it goes up 10x for each letter smaller, ie. 10 BTCD for 5 letters, 100 BTCD for 4 letters and 1000 BTCD for 3 letters. I dont expect there will be many 3 letter smartchains that arent the built in ones, like DEX, other than the few reserved ones, it is first come first served and available if someone really wanted a three letter smartchain (edited)

As you can see, the iguana nodes are the workhorse nodes and have many ways they can earn fees from the rest of the ecosystem

grewalsatinder [8:52 PM]  

28. So, you are building InstantDEX smartchain which will also work as an assetchain, and you are putting smart progamming codes written in C to this smartchain. Is that correct? Many developers use different programming langauge and have their own preference in chooseing a progamming language to code with. Can a web developer who's more comfortable with JavaScript type of coding develop a smartchain and write smart programming codes in his/her smartchain? Or what other langauges does smartchains support to code it with?

29. It's getting mixed up here. Can you please give a quick difference between smartchain, assetchain, virtualchain and privatechain in Iguana? (edited)

grewalsatinder [9:04 PM]  

30. With smartchain letters like DEX, do you mean it in similar ways like exhanges list a crypto currency with a 3 to 4 letter name? And these letters has to be named within the length of 3 letters to 6 letters? Why you put cost on smartchains creation based on it's letters? And is that cost one time to create a smartchain or it's periodic cost. If so, how small or long period of cost it can be? (edited)

grewalsatinder [9:09 PM]  

31. You said running a full iguana node will earn fees for serving iguana network to create and manage smartchains, and completing basilisk iguana node’s transactions in return of charging some fee. In which crypto currency this fees will be? Do I have to buy a Cloud Server to run full iguana node? Or my regular home laptop can be a full iguana node which is not accessible publically? (edited)

jl777 [10:45 PM]  

28. at first making customized smartchains will require coding in C, however I aim to make things configurable via JSON whenever possible, so depending on the usecase, it might be possible to just issue an API call to create a custom smartchain. technically, any language that can create object files or libraries that can link with iguana codebase can be used without much trouble. I guess even Javascript could be used to call the C functions using emscripten, but I am no expert on javascript so not sure of all the details.

29. virtual chain is one that has no physical nodes and runs a geckochain, ie iguana full nodes will process the transactions and mine the blocks. A privatechain is just a virtual chain that has dedicated nodes using a real internet port. I will try to allow mixing a virtualchain and privatechain, in that case you can start without any physical nodes and then as usage goes up add physical nodes

an assetchain is a special case of a virtualchain where the coin represents the asset one for one. a smartchain is a virtualchain with special enhancements

basically at the low level there needs to be a pure bitcoin protocol coin, that is either running virtualized or with physical nodes. Once you have that, you can add smart features (whatever can be coded in whatever compiled language)

30. Things like USD, EUR are more valuable that BOBUSD

rarity makes 3 letter name more than 10x rarer as there are 26 letters and you could use case sensitive and even numbers. The thinking is that anybody that wants to make a USD chain will have a bigger budget than someone making a BOBUSD chain. Also this is a deposit for virtualization services.

the deposit will last a varying amount of time depending on how active a chain is, but I want to price it so that running a virtual chain is the most cost effective way, even compared against low cost VPS. Also there are the dPoW costs of making bitcoin and bitcoindark transactions that need to be covered

31. you can sporadically provide iguana services, of course you will only sporadically earn fees and you wont be able to be a special relay node, those get first chance to earn DEX fees. The fees will be paid using the natural currency for the service, so if you are asking for an LTC transaction to be created, then it would be denominated in LTC. When there is no natural currency, it would default to BTCD

grewalsatinder [10:59 PM]  

32. I think it’s already a long conversation on just Iguana technology. It’s amazing work that you have done on SuperNET project. Who is working in Iguana Team?

33. When can we have a taste of Iguana wallet? Why it's getting delayed, as we hearing of Iguana wallet in development for sometime already.

34. Why is it taking so long to develop SuperNET technology? (edited)

35. How do you see Iguana technology evolving in the next 5 years or so? Where it might be? How do you invasion it's later evolved version?

36. Bitcoin crypto currency’s developer Satoshi Nakamoto left his creation after taking his project to some good level in good hands. Hope you won’t mind if asked if you think the same can happen with SuperNET project? You leaving SuperNET at some point? Do you think it is possible? (edited)

jl777 [11:04 PM]  

32. I work on the core and I get feedback from Anonymint, Come-from-Beyond and TierNolan. vanbreuk is doing servers, wiki and testing. we have a GUI team, but other than vineet I am not familiar with the personnel

33. I cannot answer questions about GUI

34. How long should it take to develop what I have developed so far? If you know of a way to complete it sooner without spending many millions of dollars, let me know

35. In 5 years, it should be fully integrated seamlessly wherever it makes sense to have crypto or privacy. The easier it is to use, the harder it is to create

36. I have no plans on leaving SuperNET, certainly not before there is a team in place that can do a better job than I can. and if that actually happened then I imagine my creativity level would go up 10x as I wouldnt have to spend all the time I do on coding and debugging

grewalsatinder [11:10 PM]  

37. What features we can expect to be available in Iguana wallet first and what will be the features which will be coming in later versions? How you expect such feature release happening with different timeframes?

38. Let’s cover some questions related to SuperNET assets. Can you also explain in your words what is SuperNet as an asset? How it manages it's value in market?

39. What other official assets SuperNet has? How will they earn and pay dividends? When can we expect those assets to start paying dividents? Is there any certain timeline for them?

40. Who are partner projects of SuperNET? eg. NXT FreeMarket

41. Do you manage any of those projects which are partners of SuperNet? If no, who manages them?

jl777 [11:14 PM]  

37. I cannot answer GUI issues as I am having my hands full with the core

38 http://www.supernet.org/nav.php has a summary of the major holdings that SuperNET has, it is updated in realtime as the market prices change

39. you can look in the SuperNET and SuperHODL accounts to see which assets it has, it is a long list I dont memorize it. Each asset has a different purpose and a different way to monetize. I can only speak for assets I am personally doing the tech for, InstantDEX, NXTprivacy, Pangea, NXTcoinsco/Tradebots. DEX will be earning fees from the atomic swaps, NXTprivacy will earn revenues from a currently secret project, hopefully before winter, Pangea will need to be after the first round of tech is released as it has some additional requirements. Tradebots asset will get a revshare from InstantDEX (as will MGW). As far as timeline goes, it would be after the corresponding core tech is released and in some cases a GUI is also needed

40. http://www.digitalcatallaxy.com/report2015.html should have a list of all that

41. I am not managing other projects, and I dont do GUI as I cannot work much more than 16hours per day that I am. maybe when I am done with the core work, I can think about doing some more active managing, but not sure why I would manage external projects

grewalsatinder [11:25 PM]

Can I ask some questions related to Waves?

jl777 [11:25 PM]  

doesnt seem to fit, especially considering the ground we covered

grewalsatinder [11:26 PM]  

Okay. Fair enough. :)

I belive on technical aspects I can ask more questions relate to just Iguana tech. May be for some other time.

This was long text interview James. Thanks for being so patience and answering. :)

jl777 [11:30 PM]  

feel free to ask technical questions at any time

this is a good place for it