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RE: Net Neutrality: The Battle for Internet Freedom, and Why It Matters

in #internet7 years ago

I meant Net Neutrality was the principle that the Internet is open to everyone, not the legislation! The legislation is trying to repeal net neutrality.

Google and Facebook support net neutrality through something called the Internet Association. They know that since they have a lot of money, ISPs may attempt to require lots of royalties/charges from them to speed up their content, which is why it's for their interests to support net neutrality.

I personally think net neutrality is a really fundamental feature of the Internet, and without it, censorship or paywalls would reign.


Surrre. Like the Affordable Health Care act?
I'm all for repealing.
it'll do exactly what you WANT...because...competition.

a monopoly is impossible in a free market.

if they can write the regulations to suite themselves.
"we have to pass the bill to know what's in it"...sound familiar?
they build a wall...a barrier to entry.
they use the government to prevent competition.

Obama passes legislation (or executive order...did he know the difference?) to do that...(help the big companies)
Trump is trying to repeal it.

Exactly! Net Neutrality recasting internet access as a public utility will speed up and exacerbate regulatory capture, where the telecom execs are the ones writing the rules, and it'll create huge hurdles to other people trying to get in the market.

yup...If the Net Neutrality thing is allowed to remain in place it will slow, delay or prevent the implementation of mesh net.
odd how that works?

Like you said earlier: if a piece of legislation or regulation is called one thing, it's a safe bet that it's going to do the exact opposite.

perfect example..the Affordable Health Care Act.
How's that work out?