Tipping Points of Internet Freedom - The Shocking Silk Road Debacle - ⛓️FREE ROSS!!

in #internet7 years ago (edited)

~>Tipping Points of Internet Freedom – The Shocking Silk Road Debacle<~ 👀 video

At the Porcfest Freedom Festival, I talked with Lynn Ulbricht - mother of Ross Ulbricht who the government says is the supposed mastermind of the Silk Road, to get an update on exactly what's happening now with his son who was kidnapped by the government for non-violent (non) crimes.

Lynn summarized the history of how Ross was arrested and went to trial where there were many corrupt police involved. The so called law-enforcers not only stole money, but also had the run of the website for their fraudulent profit. One of them was working for the NSA at the time, they had a lot of skill, they could act as whomever they wanted- they could change passwords, they had the keys to the kingdom.

These facts were not allowed to be known to the jury, which did convict him of only non-violent crimes. Accusations were brought against him of a murder to hire plot, although they never charged him for this, nor were they required to show any proof to the jury. Ross was unable to defend himself against these accusations and yet the appellate court used those allegations to justify his life sentence.

Even though murder for hire carries a ten year prison sentence, and there were NO actual murders. Lynn says she does not believe that Ross had anything to do with murder for hire, and in any case he was never charged, or brought to trial for it.

In November, evidence tampering proof was discovered, and also finding that someone had deleted very important information (It was probably another corrupt law enforcement agent ) Someone using the 'Dread Pirates Roberts' account logged onto the Silk Road Server seven weeks after he was put in prison.

This casts a lot of doubt on several things. Recently the appellate court rejected his appeal, which means they confirmed a double life sentence plus forty years without parole, essentially a death sentence in prison, all over non-violent charges. The case itself was so full of reasonable doubt that it is shocking. They confirmed his sentence and upheld that he will live the rest of his life in a cage.

There were federal agents who were caught stealing bitcoin and using it. The whole case is covered in trumped up charges, then dropping of some of them when they turned out to be not true.

Lynn: “The question is why do we even have trials, if you can put someone away for life based on something that they didn’t bring to the trial… if the government can use allegations to put you away without you being able to defend yourself.”

This case is just not about Ross, it’s about the precedents being set that should concern us all. These things can filter down to other cases and change their outcomes.

The case is quite complex but it does bring several things to light, like the rampant over-sentencing in this country, and how life sentences have quintupled since the drug war began and continue to grow. Increasing amounts of people are being put in prison for life on non-violent charges, the United States has become the greatest incarcerator in the world and is a national disgrace and a crime against humanity! This is supposed to be the land of the free!?

After reviewing some of the paperwork involved with Ross’s case it looks like they could put Facebook in jail, since someone on it might be doing some illicit. However they don’t choose to go after Facebook. This was a very selective case, in a kangaroo court, with a lot of trumped up charges, and a lot of mysterious circumstances.

I asked: With parole being denied to him what is the next step?

Lynn: “Well in our system you can appeal the appeal.. We can submit a petition for them to
rehear the appeal based on arguments and our situation. However this is kind of like winning the lottery it rarely ever happens. The next appeal is to petition the Supreme Court to hear the case, we will likely do that.”

Ross has been meditating in prison, and it has really helped him, he contributes to people in prison, he is really a happy person, even in the face of such difficult circumstances. He is asking for people to join him in meditation or prayer on June 28.

She says when Lynn wrote him that his appeal had failed, he wrote back comforting her, she says “he took it really well. He is keeping his attitude positive, and he says he is not giving up, and I am not giving up. The drug war is evil and it is destroying people, and it does not even stop the drug use. Something needs to change and we hope it came be used to make some positive changes.”

Lynn wants to thank everyone she really appreciates all of the support and for sticking with them so far, “We are not giving up, we are at a tipping point in history.... The courts are grappling with these issues. It’s bigger than Ross, it’s bigger than drugs or a website, it has a lot more to it, please go to “freeross.org” and learn more about it, it is important."

There are several ways to donate at freeross.org, and there is a tax deductible option.

Ross' case is setting a very important precedent for online freedom and the future of the internet, please check out “freeross.org”. Luke says

Thank you for your bravery and thank you for your advocacy work, Lynn!


Stay tuned we will have a lot more coverage coming out soon!

Thanks so much to all who donate and support us!

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SNAPCHAT: LukeWeAreChange


#FreeRoss !!!

I love Lynn, she seems so nice and FAIR. Which is the opposite of what this BS case is about condemning Ross.

We love you Lynn and Ross, stay strong.

Keep up the good work Luke, my VP is really drained right now, sorry.

Hope you put the donations during Bilderberg I sent you to good use, I am sure you did!


Free Ross!!!!

Free Ross!!!

Free Ross

What a guy and what a wonderful mother he has. I saw the documentary (Deep Web) made about him, he seems to be a real genius.

Jailing such talent is the real crime. such a waste.

I saw the interview Jeff Berwick did with Lynn, wonderful stuff. I really hope they release him before he's collecting his pension.

What right has a government to jail a guy for operating a website which allows totally law abiding people to transact in an open marketplace.

No crime is being committed.

Luke...you look & sound like a sober version of my little brother. I love ya' man!

US courts are an Orwellian travesty of justice. Most cases never go to trial but result in convictions through plea bargains, and upwards of 25% of convicts have plead guilty to protect others, or for some other reason unrelated to the charges. It is horribly personal for Ross Ulbricht, but should be terrifying for us all.

Almost 2% of Americans are held in some form of involuntary servitude, many of them innocent of even breaking the law for which they were charged.

Cases like Ross' are even more egregious, as he was an iconic case, which the government won at any cost, despite the rampant evidence of corruption on the part of government agents, and agencies, and innuendo being used to convict and sentence him.

Sadly, in my lifetime America has gone from the land of the free, to the home of the slave.

Thank you for all you do, I have been listening to you for years and just joined a few days ago after months of procrastination. I wish I had come on sooner but better late than never. I am a poor artist so I don't have much to give right now, except my upvotes ...which aren't worth much yet but just wait! Much Love!

Upvoted and followed!

good luck