How to give a sense of scale and movement to your next adventure log

in #internet9 years ago (edited)

Imagine after spending days trekking and ascending hundred of meter you have arrived the highest peaks of your latest conquest. Or maybe you had the best ride down a powdery slope and your GoPro is filled with amazing PoV footages. Or if you have, like me, rode a turbulent thermal in a paraglider to soar at height of 4 Empire State Buildings.

How can you possibly display and relive the journey and convey the sense of scale that give your tale justice? On one hand, you have the tracklog and on the other you have the sweet footages. How can you bring the two together?

The conventional GPS plot will overlay your adventures onto the contour of a 3D map but without descriptions a lot of the details and grandeur of your bold undertaking will be completely lost in your presentation. The plots of your hikes and wild mountain bike descents will be static, frozen in time and lack the sense of motion that defines your bravery.

In my most honest opinion, Doarama is the perfect implementation of how your adventure can be best delivered

Doarama is a free track visualization website that allows you to upload your logs and play out your movements over a gorgeous 3D satellite map of your playground. Youtube links can be added that will allow you to splice in footages of the key moments in your adventures. Annotations can be added to specific points of your plots to describe and explain your decision-making and technical struggles. Key statistics (speed, rate of climb, distance) will be on display with the option for you to speed up or slow down the animation of your track. All the action is conveyed by an intelligent chase cam that rotates and pan to give the best viewing angles.  

If you have some GoPro footages and the track-log of a heroic feat you wanna show off or relive, I would really recommend you try this website out! Using the visualisation I was able to identify a lot of places where my flying could improve - Maybe I shouldn't have flown over that small ridge because it gave me too much of a bump before my final approach to landing. 

Another amazing thing is that it can overlay multiple tracks that occupy that the same space and time! So you can see an insanely detailed replay of a race between you and your friends!

Either way, this set up will be amazing fun for you to relive those great sporting moments.