
"I'm from the government and I'm here to HELP you...I'm gonna regulate the internet so that it's FAIR".


anything the government get's involved with something...we lose.
does the term 'regulatory capture' ring any bells?

Fair to everyone who pays for their rights

what right?
were you born with it?
anything you weren't born with isn't a right

do you think someone else should pay for your 'stuff'?

Good point. I am trying to see this more open mindedly. @everittdmickey, would you say that people who want to have faster access will pay? Are the people who actively complain for it, not important because they are not doing anything themselves to get better access?

if you want something.
pay for it your ownself.
other wise youre no better than a thief.

Despite or several disagreements (which I think are more semantics than anything else), you are 100% on point here, boss!

well it doesn't help that I'm a jerk.
can't help it...genetic.
but I'm usually right...
Eventually folks realize it.
sometimes it takes decades..

Well, on the bright side, I don't disagree with your conclusions. I've spent so much of my time figuring out ethics that sometimes I lose sight of the bigger picture and go on about minute details that don't really need to be brought up. Thus far that's been all of our disagreements.

I'll try not to be a perfectionist douchecanoe in the future!

Thank you for the clarification!

your comment makes no sense, there is one law as it is that says internet companies cant charge websites more for faster access, and there's a new law trying to revoke that... which one is the government trying to "help" ?

it makes perfect sense.
net neutrality...isn't.
if you want it...deregulate.