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RE: Net Neutrality: The Battle for Internet Freedom, and Why It Matters

in #internet7 years ago

'allowing' them to run their business the way they see fit.
NO ONE should be allowed to do that.
Every business and every person should ask big government for permission to do everthing.
would you agree?


well... it's a tricky situation... where corporations do not act in the best interests of consumers, and neither does the government... so I don't really trust either... I suppose that's why I love crypto so much, it's empowering the people... I'm not sure I understand the situation enough to know what would happen if trump admin repealed net neutrality, because I definitely don't trust them... what to do...

anyone and everyone acts in their own perceived best interests.
anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar.

yeah, but my perceived best interests include what I perceive to be the best interests of the community around me, I wish I could say the same for our government, or the cable companies...

as much as I dislike corporations, or the government, they often provide services that I find useful, or difficult to live without.

I want to believe that crypto can change all of that, and even these meshnets which i just learned of, thanks to you... but "powers that be" are very good at co-opting movements to forward their own selfish agendas, to the disinterest of the community that sustains them.