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RE: All Your Data Are Belong to Them
Oh don't worry I have been in the rabbit warren for a while now. I like to get my info from James Corbett. He is on steemit now too so that's a bonus :)
You switched off a little earlier than me. Always known something wasn't right but it took the Syrian migration crisis for me to see the real picture. Blew my mind when I started to wake up. No going back now though.
Corbett is great! I have nothing to say but positive things. Here's a list of researchers and investigative journalists that have really made an impact in my life:
Clint Richardson his site is
He has Red Pill Sunday School and The Corporation Nation on YT
Santos Bonnaci
His YT channel is MrAstrotheology
Jan Irvin
Mark Passio
His lectures are all over YT
Chiron Last on YT
The Scariest Movie Ever on YT
A Call For An Uprising on YT on YT
Deborah Tavares at
Dean Clifford on YT