People with different color eyes!
Today I'd like to tell you about an unusual mutation called heterochromia.
The word "heterochromia" of Greek origin that means "different color."
The cause of this peculiarity of the iris is a lack or an excess of such a pigment as melanin.
Research in this area has demonstrated that heterochromia in most cases is a genetic phenomenon, but this does not mean that it is transmitted only from parents to their children, it can occur in a few generations (for example, from grandmother to granddaughter/grandson). Based on the statistics the number of people with this feature is 1 to 100.
Heterochromia happen:
- Full heterochromia i.e., one eye blue and one eye brown.
- Sertralina heterochromia ie only part of the iris is a different color.
- the Central heterochromia i.e., the changed color of the iris near the pupil.
Since childhood I have centralina heterochromia. If we talk about the fact that people with this mutation can see more colors and are generally very keen, is a myth.
My vision is bad, so heterochromia does not affect vision.
In fact,the owners heterochromia are people just like everyone else. Just to have different color irises, and mortals such as all))
They say that people with different eye color have special magic power and they can attract members of the opposite sex. On account of this we really can't say for sure, because usually people are attracted to its individuality, or better to say:" lawless Heart"))
There is a version that in any case can not become the enemy of the person with heterochromia. Such a person is endowed with some unknown force that protects him from evil wishes and curses. All the bad things addressed to the owner of the multi-colored eyes, a boomerang returns back to the abuser. Moreover, he eyed the man knows nothing about it.
Myths and only))
And you met people with this mutation? If so, You certainly believe that they are beautiful, like all people!)
Tatka Armless.
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