end of intellectual property -- except for widgets? Alice Corp Vs CLS Bank / End of Spaceship Earth's Ecosphere

in #intellectual7 years ago (edited)

BLUF: what if China, said to have 50 X the $$$ transactional throughput of the US now - ignores Alice Corp V CLS Bank?

Background of USPTO 13/573,002: Computer ASIC chips create time cycles to process syntax as instructions - period.

See Supreme Court Alice Corp Vs CLS Bank "a claim may not be directed towards an abstract idea". Alice Corp Vs CLS Bank would be turning internet and internet of money patent claims upside down -- if industry started taking this precedent seriously which probably won't happen until the Bitcoin Blockhain wars begin -- in my opinion. Until then, you may want to be thinking about what physical meme you will select for your patent applications and amendments given physical is the opposite of abstract. Remember, the first filed physical meme isn't as important as the most useful. Your meme should have a clock convention as well as a method and means to measure and meter the Bitcoin Blockchain. Survey points would be helpful given the IRS has stated that Bitcoin is "akin to property" in IRS memo #1421


Syntax may be represented by XML {"JSON"} or form fields ''FFIRN's", "FFUDNS" in NATO structured military messaging where the form number and field position has significance for parsing, processing. A key idea of USPTO 13/573,002 is to reuse the structure, logic, organization behind structured military messaging form field unit identifiers in commercial use cases of OOTW Operations Other Than War. "Those who love peace need to organize as effectively as those who love war" MLK Jr. The German military recommended using Blue Force Tracker for OOTW circa 2003. Establishing ecologically responsible econometrics using Bitcoin's micro-payments in concert with TERRA TRC Trade Reference Currency demurrage parking, transit fees on the Blockchain is one such OOTW 13/573,002 Use Case.

A method to convert syntax data representations among myriad metaphors and memes -- a Rosetta Stone syntax lexicon library is needed if a one world anything is to happen at all or anytime soon. NATO's military posts are cities that transact every commodity imaginable. What other system of systems exists with established Host Nation Agreements among many different countries that synchronizes organizations to a common purpose currently exists -- that can be replicated across Spaceship Earth's systems - with a nod to RBF Richard Buckminster Fuller.

The military adopted the policy of only sending changes or "heartbeat sync deltas" for the same reason the Bitcoin community must adopt the same paradigm. Sending the changes, not the entire document or the "sync delta's" in military parlance conserves bandwidth and increases throughput. The military relies on "heartbeat" messages as does stock exchanges -- see FIX ("108") heartbeat messages, First response, time sync systems etc, etc.


Bitcoin blockchain blocks, agents, motes, bots, web crawlers, heartbeat, beacon are all metaphors for intervals, time cycles available to process / not process SYNTAX. The internet is coded, programmed using time cycles available to process instructions, commands etc. It follows that the key to achieving consistency, interoperability across diverse technologies and establishing a consistent, systemic one world economic system of systems is to focus on two building blocks -- time cycles and syntax. USPTO applications leading up to 13/573,002 establish these facts in my opinion

Cyclic updates of state meta data snapshots / heartbeat messages from micro-to macro (economic) cycles distributed among a system of systems is simply powerful. The Internet is based on time cycles and (computer) syntax parsed / processed or not during finite time cycles. It requires a syntax library lexicon -- a Rosetta Stone if you will.


If Alice Corp Vs CLS Bank is ignored, then the only intellectual property that will matter will be widgets in my opinion


Conclusion: the end of intellectual property pales in comparison to compromising our Spaceship Earth's Eco-sphere

MEDIUM LINK: https://medium.com/@heart.beacon.cycle/the-end-of-intellectual-property-except-for-widgets-gadgets-and-popeils-pocket-fisherman-plus-b42088265070
