in #institutions8 years ago (edited)

Institutional racism can come in many forms, but according to contributor, Huges, of Huffington Post, states, and emphasizes, that "institutional racism is a powerful system of privilege and power."

So, does it exists?

My definition of institutional racism is a system, that is not accidental, because the foundation stands on the pillar of discrimination against certain individuals and/or groups.

Now if we venture into a bit of computer science (no pun intended) and take a look at the concept of embedded systems software, which is a software that can be very basic or complex. One key factor in this type of software is the maintainability is dependent on how well the system functions. Software development life cycle, involves developers and one guiding software engineering practice, is 'to understand the problem.' So, if you're solving a problem on some level there has to be intent and even more so, on maintaining that system in order to function.

Institutional racism maintainability are the policies and procedures set forth by institutions, in a 'system of power and privilege.' And to expand a little bit on maintainability, Wikipedia.com express, "The maintainability index is calculated with certain formulae from lines-of-code measures, McCabe measures and Halstead complexity measures."

Now, since I am a women let's take a look at some pictures and numbers, it'll be fun said laughing and throwing office papers in the air.

Okay, now off to visit some institutional profile reports by race and ethnicity, for three universities, but I can not jump the gun and say with certainty, that institutional racism exists within these three universities. I am just trying to:

This will be for you (if you're interested) to do some further research and conclude.

Now let's take a look at some numbers.

First up, is Rutgers State University. Now again, not saying there is any institutional racism going on here and that's for the reader to research and decide.

As of fall 2015, the undergraduate student body at Rutgers consist of:

African American 10.0%
American Indian 0.1%
Asian 23.4%
Latino 14.9%
White 40.0%
Non Resident Alien 6.0%
Two or More 3.2%
Unknown 2.4%

Next on the list is, Thomas Edison State University, for fall 2014 undergraduate. Now again, not saying there is any institutional racism going on here and that's for the reader to research and decide.

White 55.6%
Black 14.5%
Hispanic 8.2%
Asian* 4.5%
American Indian 0.7%
Alien 1.1%
Race Unknown* 15.5%

Lastly, there is Felician College ranked number 224 in diversity in the undergraduate student body. Now again, not saying there is any institutional racism going on here and that's for the reader to research and decide.

Again, there is not enough in depth data done to conclude institutional racism exists.

Another interesting piece of info., to look at is what are the areas of study and how, that translates into the work force of some companies.

Big ups to Google, for "Focusing on Diversity.

Note: These stats were collected by obtaining an institutional profile report for the most current year, by race and ethnicity of student body.

As always, thanks for reading, following, feedback, and donating @whileoutsanch.


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Institutional profile report 2017 ranking on U.S. Air Force: Again, there is not enough in depth data, but always, always, do your research.

Institutional Profile Report 2017 Ranking by Race and Ethnicity United States Airforce

And ... other stories.