My Instagram Not working; Probably Because I'm Black -

in #instagram4 years ago

If you are trying to reach me on IG ...

idk what's going on lol; can't refresh the tl is the error; cannot respond to your messages - I might be in trouble.

Some lady came at me with disrespect and y'all know me. ...... not sure if I got shut down or not; My profile is still up but ... who knows.

--------------- > was on, Amanda Seales page; she was talking about how some non-black people came at her about using her platform to get black people Under control; and she was goin in on that; meanwhile, some lady in the comments was like "what y'all want from the store?" ........... a joke .... I was playin along with it, along with others; Forgot what I asked her to bring me ...

but ... she responded with some utter disrespectful b.s. ::: Talmbout 'that's a very specific (prison style) request - what your cell mate want?" ............... and let me tell you how hot my blood boiled.

I was OFFENDED .. .how dare this woman talk to me like that - another black woman too? Doesn't know me from Adam but wants to envision me in a Prison cell? Nah bitch you not about to SEE me like that in your mind (I basically told her) - noticed she had 'esq' on her name, so I said I hope you get caught in malpractice and YOU End up in the PRISON you see for me; BITCH!

--- and you damn right I went there; I censored it; (wrote b***ch) .... but still; moments later my IG broke; lol ... and idk if they got me on punishment for defending myself or what;

This why these Mostly White owned Platforms are not for black people; we are not allowed to speak our minds; or even defend ourselves from Traitors within; White society is now protecting TOMS and SELLOUT Racoons because THEY help uphold their systems of inequality and oppression;

When you are black, you gotta deal with racist whites, racist Asians who think they white, racist Hispanics who think they white ... and SELLOUT TOMS (& Coons!) who think servin MASSA will get them a room in the Big house.