Seeking God!

in #inspirational6 years ago

Have you ever felt like giving up on life and you
look to the left and to the right and it seems as
though the world has given up on you! It seems
your dreams is far from reality,and you have tried
everything humanly possible and have failed,i
would love you to take a deep breath of relief cos
every water will take the shape of the container.
Listen brethren,no one goes to the stream early in
the morning and comes back home with dirty
water, Matthew 6 vs 33 says: seek ye first the
kingdom of God and his righteousness and all
other things shall be added,be it an exotic
car,mansion, good job,promotion, whatever your
heart desires is all embedded in Christ. Just in
case it looks like a fallacy to you,i would also
want you to check out what the scripture has to
say in Joshua 1 vs 8 says: This book of the law
shall not depart out of the mouth but thou shall
meditate therein day and night,that thou mayest
observe to do according to all that is written
therein: for then thou shalt make the way
prosperous,and then thou shalt have good
success, nothing in this world can give you
eternal joy and happiness,whatever feeling you
derive from material satisfaction ranging from a
new house,car,job,promotion,success are all
temporal, for no man can get inward peace from
material satisfaction,true happiness can only be
derive from total submission and services to God.