Daily Reminder: Had a dream I was a Queen. Woke up still a Queen.

in #inspiration7 years ago (edited)

💋Had a dream I was a Queen. Woke up still a Queen.💋 - Not the ones that we see in all of these disney movies nowadays. How many times do we see the Queen presented as a woman who is ‘too much, has too much to say, has too much to demand’? What about the queens that’s filled with grace? A queen that builts a castle in her own existance. A queen that feels so in alignment with herself that everything that is not serving her highest good will bounce back. A queen that is tapped into her divine feminine nature. A woman who has to much to say! A woman that is too much! Because She IS all of that! And she can BE all of that. 😍 Hmmm and when she walks in the room you can just sense that divine presence of grace.


From my inspired heart to yours.
