I wonder for the one who is certain that there is death, and yet laughs.
I wonder for the one who is certain that the grave exists, and yet rejoices.
I wonder for the one who is certain that there is accountability, and yet accumulates wealth.
I wonder for the one who is certain that the grave exists with its narrowness, and yet laughs (hysterically)!
I wonder for the one who is certain that there is life after death and its woe, pleasure and eternity, and yet does forget about it.
I wonder for the one who is certain that there is Hellfire and its chastisement, and yet sleeps without fleeing from it.
I wonder for the one who is certain that there is Paradise and its pleasure, and yet sleeps without seeking it.
I wonder for the one who is certain about this world and its transience (lasts only for a short time), and yet trusts in it implicitly (without a doubt or question)!
I wonder for the one who is certain that he is learned verbally but ignorant in mind how he shall succeed (before ALLAH)!
I wonder for the one who is sad over the decrease in his wealth while he is not sad over the decrease in his life!
I wonder for the one who used water to clean himself while he is not clean at Heart!
I wonder for the one who is preoccupied by the faults of others while he forgets about his own faults.
I wonder for the one who knows ALLAH sees him and yet disobeys Him!
I wonder for the one who knows that he will die alone, be buried alone and be made to render account (of his deeds) alone and ye socializes with people . Why doesn't he spend his time with his LORD and His Messenger by saying (always) : There is not Deity but ALLAH, Muhammad is truly and sincerely the Messenger of ALLAH.