Monday Mornings, Good or Bad?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #inspiration8 years ago


Monday, a horrid day or a beautiful opportunity?

Alas for some Monday is a horrid day, a moment when they return back to school and/or work, where they must address their responsibilities of life and where reality sinks in. For some they take this day with the biggest sense of dread wishing it was Friday again so they can venture forth with no care, for others it is far different. I used to perceive Monday's as they in the past, but alas I do this no longer for I have come to understand it as I have come to grasp the lessons of life. Perhaps it is old age that has made me come to terms with such things, or perhaps it is the result of painful lessons learned.


In my opinion Monday is a new birth, a new start for we were granted unto us a new dawn to create our weekly goals and to achieve those dreams we set forth. Alas Monday is a new opportunity where we come to terms that it is our words, actions and attitude that shall manifest the outcome of this week whether good or bad. It is how we think, how we act on this day that carries forth into upcoming weekend. Monday is not a dreaded day to simply condemn, but rather a day to celebrate for it is the beginning of a new cycle of experiences, of lessons, or being alive. Now some may say I am making a mountain of a Moe hill, for it is yet just another day. Yet to that I will humbly reply that it is the start of a new week which some had not the opportunity to experience this morning , but yet you and I do. For we awoke, and opened our eyes and saw life for one more day.


So with that being stated let me just say be grateful for your Mondays, be grateful for every hour, every minute, everyday in your life, for without them you cease to exist. You cease to love, to be loved and to be whom you are and whom we are destined to be while on this earth. You can allow Monday to drag you down or take it by storm and truly make the most of it.

~ George


👍 love reading positive posts

Love writing them for I believe people have such great potential, they just fail to see it at times due to stress and personal issues in their lives. Sometimes we need to light that flame so they can see the illumination that lies within them.