Locate where you wealth is

“And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the Lord, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel. “Isaiah 45:3.

I said in chapter one that wealth is everywhere and it’s an indisputable truth. But there is an eternal truth I would want to establish in us before we read further. And it’s that everybody, every nation has a place where his or her wealth is deposited. Your wealth as a person may be in your area of talents, gifts or skills. Some people may have their wealth in business, education, sports, science or arts. Your wealth may not be in every area of human endeavor but the truth remains that there is a particular and unique area where your wealth is. Because of the topsy-turvy way in which our society is run, many people, in a bid to catch up with the mind and speed of the jet age, jettison their area of uniqueness to the wind and mix and miss in the crowd of the rat race for self-accolade, self-advertisement and self-gratification and self-aggrandizement. In the process, they end up being mediocre performers and dissatisfied achievers on the stage of life.

God has endowed and loaded our lives with immeasurable treasures. He said I will give you the treasures of Darkness and hidden Riches of Secret Places. If these treasures are in darkness, and the hidden riches are in secret places, it then implies that you don’t go picking them on the streets of your cities. No! You go searching for them. You go consciously, carefully, prayerfully, calculatively and dutifully with every sense of responsibility and vigilance to discover or uncover your wealth or treasures where they are. If your treasures or riches are in secret places of darkness, you need light to see them. If somebody kept $100,000,000 for you in a corner of a big warehouse and asks you go collect it in a dark night without any light to see where that colossal amount of money is kept, men you need light to carry your treasures!

No doubt, we’ve wealth somewhere. Have you located where it’s deposited? Some people are doing their jobs without any sense of satisfaction and fulfillment because they’ve not actually located their areas of wealth. You can locate where your wealth is in a number of ways:
 Check something that gives you satisfaction
 Ask your creator where your wealth is
 Isolate yourself and take an inventory of your talents, aptitudes and make-up
 Check the area of your life where you function naturally
 Check what consumes your passion
 Check the problem people ask you to solve for them
 You can locate your wealth by receiving revelation
(A rhema) from God. God can baptize you with ideas which, if harnessed and implemented, can turn your life around.


An awesome piece. not comprehensive though

definitely we can create wealth from everywhere

Saw wealth creation from a different angle entire