10 Thoughts on Mental Programming - #1 What can mental programming do for you?

Thoughts on Mental Programming

You have two minds

Your mind consists of two elements, known as the conscious and subconscious (or unconscious) mind. The conscious mind regulates everything that you are conscious of and is frequently compared to the tip of the iceberg since it is truly only a small fraction of your mind. The subconscious is considered the greatest portion of the mind and like the majority of an iceberg is concealed from view. Your subconscious stores all of your memories, the things you have seen, heard and holds you beliefs.

How habits and beliefs are formed

Whatever you experience in life is stored away and programs you in how you consider and also react to the same or similar experience in the future.

If perhaps you were told when you were a toddler that you were stupid, and then if this was repeated several times, your subconscious will likely have recognized that as true and you will believe that you actually are stupid. Your subconscious mind will accept repeated statements as facts unless it is instructed otherwise.

Once a habit is created it comes to be ingrained because it is programmed directly into the subconscious mind and can occur automatically when it is triggered by the same or a similar event. It's the same with regard to phobias as well as fears.

What can Mental Programming Do?

Mental programming permits the associations between triggers and events to be altered within your subconscious mind. You're able to modify the perception associated with distressing events from your past to view them with the help of grownup attitudes and knowledge and in this way encourage the effect of the memory to become reduced.

Undesirable behaviours such as nail biting and smoking can certainly be eliminated using a number of mental programming techniques. Self-hypnosis by making use of audio tracks may be used.

Alternatively, coaching, NLP or hypnotherapy all offer better support and resources.

Phobias and fears could very well be faced head on and eliminated.

You may either do it yourself using self-help strategies or opt for the assistance of a hypnotherapist, NLP practitioner, Cognitive Behavioral Therapist or perhaps a coach. Making use of the expertise of a specialist can significantly improve the effectiveness of the therapy since they should be able to identify the techniques most suitable to your character and desired goals.

What else can Mental Programming tackle?

Weight reduction is yet another area that gains advantage from mental programming. Getting committed to modifying your eating habits and slimming down is really as important as staying on a diet.

By visualizing yourself living in the form of a thinner healthier person you really are increasing the probability of attaining your goal.

Other areas of your life that changing your mind might help are improving self-confidence, getting rid of limiting beliefs and accomplishing goals.

Mental programming is undoubtedly an effective strategy to change your mind as well as your life for the better.

As Norman Vincent Peale, the author of The Power of Positive Thinking and many other related books said,

"Change your thoughts and you change your world." He wasn't wrong.