in #inspiration7 years ago

A disciple is loyal, submissive and committed to his master. He is zealous for his master's honor and Interest at all cost.


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A reward is whatever that is given or received in return for doing something; compensation, for what you ja e done; the fruit of your labour and actions. Someone who has invested time, money, talents, etc.surely receives blessings. A child that has put up a good behavior will likely be commended and compensated.

In the Bible,obedience or disobedience attracts reward in line with God's character of justice. What is certain is that our labour will be rewarded. The timing, nature and value of our reward is the propagation of God. "And everyone that has forsaken houses, or brother, or sister, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for the sake of my name sake
, shall receive an hundred fold now in this time,...and n the world to come eternal life" Mark 10:28-30

Faithfulness is one of the basis of receiving from God. Every gift or talent that you have belongs to the Lord. If you can serve God faithfully with it, you will be rewarded.

"His Lord said unto him, well done, thou good faithful servant, thou has been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things, enter thou unto the joy of thy Lord"


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The parable of the talent shows that, if we are faithful, our services will be rewarded. We are to serve with sincerity of purpose and faithful commitment. Continuously, remain steadfast, unmovable and always abounding in the work of our Lord. When we serve with humility, live and devotion, we are honoring our attitude towards services. God has called every one to serve Him in some way. The important thing is not the significance of the task from man's perspective, but our willingness to do what we can, with an attitude of humility, love and devotion.


Whatever service we render unto the Lord shall be rewarded either now or in eternity. God will reward us according to what we have dome in our bodies. We will receive the fullness of our dues. All selfless acts done in secret shall be rewarded abundantly.

Thank you all for stopping by, remain blessed.