Humanities Overlooked Security Flaw- Micro Blog

in #innocence9 years ago

Humanity has a major security flaw, one that can be patched up nicely. What is this security hole? Our innocence and naivety, our ability to be convinced of bullshit by the ill intended and led down the garden path by those who will happily misuse their powers of charm and ability to convince others with the power of words. The good news is that we don't have to wait for the universe to patch us, or evolve us if you like. We can go and fetch the download for ourselves and take further steps to make us all bullet proof. A time is coming where sneaky, deceptive, dangerous, uber selfish people won't know what's hitting them, why bullshit and deception will no longer work on a much larger percentage of the human population, 'they' won't go down without a fight, but it really will be all over.