Innercore's Public Token Sale

in #innercore7 years ago

Infrastructure Platform
for Decentralized Applications

Token sale started 15 August and end on August 31st.
To buy tokens, send ETH to their token sale smart contract address, and your tokens will be reserved for you.
Join Public Token Sale
Tokens will be delivered to your wallet at the end of the token sale.
The token sale smart contract address is:


When you send ETH, please include 200,000 gas in the transaction. It will likely use less, and you will be refunded the difference.

The current token sale purchase requirements are:
• minimum buy: 10,000 CORES (0.1 ETH)
• maximum buy: 2,500,000 CORES (25 ETH)
• you must not live in the United States or China
• you must complete a light KYC check after your purchase
If you participate during the first day of the token sale, you'll receive a 10% bonus. The percentage will slowly decrease over time.