
well said. Mouthpieces for Stateism.... Why cannot the public see it? It boggles my mind.

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@daniarnold ur my hero ; )



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....the more I try t understand the 'logic' of stateism, the more I am convinced it's mental illness. (delusion is a mental illness)

Yep. Haven't seen that image in a while... Glad someone else saw, and remembers.

Brian, Join me on my censorship free social net please. You will love it. Ad free and ran by me no third party funds or anything. A place where everyone's voice is heard. Please give it a check. Buddylist Social Network

This will not go down well for The Donald.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. How does making laws to restrict everyone's rights because of what a few people do make sense? People are irradiated because of possible hijackers, watched in the streets by camera 24 hrs a day, surveilled online for key words to 'preempt an attack'.

As for gun control,
Imagine a movie of the wild west in your mind. A gunslinger keeps challenging people and shooting up the place. Then he kills a person. He gets shot. Would you feel justice was served?
Now what do you think would happen if the Sheriff decides to go around confiscating everyone's guns? Would you be staring at the screen with a bemused look on your face?

Alternatively, Imagine a person goes into a shop in the states and shoots the person behind the counter. While hes emptying the till and threatening others lives, he is shot by a person carrying a concealed gun. Would you hear the call for gun control then?

I must admit I thought Trump might be a breath of fresh air beating a clinton, but its just the same BS in a different container. They push, push, push until they can wedge in a part of a bill, and when they do it wont be long until they hammer it home with more and more restrictions.

Being a Patriots is a Cult ?
so your saying dont listen to anyone, and be divided.
clearly your like me a radical centrist.

#PeacefulRepublic is the best kind of community! #StateCoventions for reform.

Right on. Since our president said that feed gun sales are out the roof. More guns were sold the last 2 weeks than the last 6 months. So everytime they get out and talk guns, sales are up.You know that they will never get rid of the 2nd amendment. If it was going to happen it would already been done.It will be a bloodbath if they even try. There's too many of us out there we are the people. We do have the control. And they know it, we are the sillent majority . Things are a changing just be ready for it.Keep up the good work?

This video is absolutely beautiful! Unfortunately, it's the truth.

That said, you might also find this interesting RE Ol'Ted :

(right around the 12 min mark is the pertinent bit.

Anyone supporting any of these politicians at this point should be in the same nutter house that the politicians belong in. They are the crazies. That is putting it mildly. Resteemed.

Although many have forsaken Chris Duane for his stance on Crypto, he has a valid point... ignore them all, support real people and real things, not the professors of things. Especially ignore those that hype and scream in presentation. IT'S LIKE TYPING ALL CAPITAL LETTERS ON EVERYTHING... RATHER ANNOYING AND SENSELESS.