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RE: France Is Falling Apart According To 97% Of The Population

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

Well, the immigration influx is working perfectly, then. IMHO, the EU is being groomed for a civil war, with hapless disarmed civilians reduced to chattel as a result.

I have lived in France, and I deeply sympathize with their plight. However, they are going to need to act to fix the problem, as we in the US have our own nascent fascist dictatorship to stop. The UK, Germany, Sweden, and most of the EU are in similar straights to France, and the UK has turned the corner into a blatant fascist dictatorship with the instajailing of Tommy Robinson, the murder of little Alfie, and a complete lockdown on the street protests now ongoing.

UK civilians are marching on Downing Street to protest Robinson's death sentence, and the enemedia are concealing all reports of it they can.
