Censoring Isn't Enough Anymore, Now Youtube Dictates You What To See

in #informationwar7 years ago (edited)

Yesterday while scrolling my facebook feed I came across this screenshot:

My first thought was "This shit gotta be fake". 

I mean ok, I know youtube has slowly turned into a nice, cozy, censorship shithole demonetizing or even removing content for being slightly controversial and not suiting their SJW agenda... But the official Youtube account can't have tweeted a turd like this!

At the last moment I stopped myself from replying this:

And decided to google something along the lines "youtube follow black creators twitter", expecting the first result to be a debunking article by snopes.com.

But guess what? The first result I got was actually from twitter. With that exact fucking tweet shown in the screenshot

Then I noticed something else that killed whatever little hope was left inside me that this could have been an elaborate prank by 4chan trolls:


Well youtube, you can go fuck yourself. First you demonetize my favorite youtubers (like @tjkirk who has joined us on steemit, check him out!) and now you tell me to follow people just because they are black?

News flash for you. It's 2018. The majority of people don't give a shit about color. Ok, I admit it, I might follow a chick just because she has big boobs (sjws say this makes me sexist and I deserve to be castrated) but I don't care if someone is black, white, yellow or green. If I like their shit, I will follow their shit.

A platform and a company that once led free speech, founded on the slogan "Don't be evil" has turned into something I no longer recognize.  Your stupidity and political correctness will be your own demise.

All that's left for me is to continue leeching your free services while providing you with as much false personal data as I can to  to fuck your ad-deals.

Fuck you google


the only thing they manage is to make racism grow stronger with that type of nonsense

exactly. It's not like the racists are gonna have a change of heart from a message like this and start following black (yellow,green, whatever) people. It only confirms their bias.

Oh come on! This is getting ridiculous and finally "feeding" racism the other way round. Racism and discrimination is something fought in people's hearts and minds from a very young age. If you educate your children to be tolerant and accept everyone the way they are (as long as they cause no harm, mental or physical to others), then there is no need to subscribe to black creators to show that you are not a racist. I don't deal well with orders, and when people tell me what to do in an authoritative way, I kind of react back by doing the exact opposite.

Anyways, if I like a black, yellow, red, rainbow gal/guy, I will follow them, I will support them I might even get their name tatooed on my butt! There is no need to over-promote this SJW agenda, at least to me it looks silly and finally loses its real "essence"

So when are you adding my name to your butt? 😁😁🤣🤣

What makes you think I haven't done so already?


I lost my youtube channel and i was close to my goal, i lost all my viewers,
Steemit gave me chance again to express myself, i hope i will restore my dignity.

Don't worry, if you show persistance you will make a lot more money here if that's what you are here for (or not!). Look at you, you just made 5 cents from a quick comment :D

hehehe... everyone knows why we are here, wanna rich? No, just wanna be rich hehe... :)
I hope, my efforts will pay off! :-)

I see your point but I also see the inevitable irony of your concluding statement: 'Fuck you Google'

'And decided to google something along...'

Furthermore the STEEMIT search function also works via a google search. At some point it is really hard to avoid or bypass giants like Google or Youtube. But of course that is no comp ticket for them to act in a douchebag fashion.

"All that's left for me is to continue leeching your free services while providing you with as much false personal data as I can to to fuck your ad-deals." :)

i use bing. they reward you for searches. i baically get free xbox live all year due to the rewardslol
like 100 usd a year in points.

How that works? Do they have a program or something?

You just need to make a microsoft account. Similar to always being signed into google.You get points for searching using bing.

That is awesome I did not know that.... I am moving to Bing so we can get Free Xbox live. thanks so much ... Goodbye Google.

I use Ecosia... also a nice alternative. :)

I like to make fake tweets using their handle and respond back to them. I say the exact same thing, I just change men to women, gay to straight, trans to cis, black to white, etc. You'd be amazed about how fast Buzzfeed has blocked me and how fast SJW's get on the bandwagon of crying about how racist and sexist I am for daring to say such things.

xD It's freaking hilarious that they can't see how fucked up they are.

Simple yet genious

It's one of those reasons I have strong a strong dislike for bots. =\ Journalists are the people who should never be behind a block bot, but they seem to be the most common using them.

Curated for #informationwar (by @stevescoins)
Relevance: control of social media
Our Purpose


Are the behaviours here of some people better? Or worse because they hide behind a decentralised label and a community ideal based on being different from the shit that is out there?

No. Fuck them too XD

"and hence YouTube becomes a legend. Yes, just a legend." Goodbye YouTube, you will not be missed.

*And hence YouTube becomes a pile of shit

Holy shit I still thought this was an inspect element ruse after reading this post but nope its right there on their twitter.

You would think if anything they would promote seeing past color but I guess that isn't "diverse" enough for them. get me out.

While I do get the idea of celebrating black history, I can't help but wonder if it's actually more segregating than uniting.

Well I think it depends how its done. As with most things its a bit more complicated and nuanced than just saying every one in a certain sector of society is automatically great; which is what I think Faceberk did wrong in this example.
If they had said 'here are some outstanding black creators that everyone can view as role models', I think that would have been a much more positive, powerful and effective message.

Or just share content from black content creators and say "check this dude out, he is cool but nobody knows him"

That would indeed probably be the cleverest way to do it.

Damn! youtube dictates what we see? What happened to net neutrality? Mehn, this is so sad :(