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RE: Repost: Special Report: The Truth Dies In Darkness; Dutroux

This is one of the most important articles I've read dealing with this topic. It shows and proves the lengths to which the sadistic perverts in control of government will go to cover up the truth. I have so much more to say, but should refrain as my anger towards those helping to cover up the truth would make me write things I would regret. Thanks for this, it's good to know there are people who care and have not forgotten.


Thank you! It's an awful topic, but one backed by evidence and for that reason it cannot and should not be forgotten.

Exactly. These topics are awful, but they need to be brought to light. This case is a prime example that could be used to wake people up to what is still going on. Thank you.

How can we stop the trafficking and the crimes and corruption in governments?

I don't think there is just one way...we all have certain abilities/time/resources and if we go inside ourselves and think about how we could help change it and then inform others? We have to stop giving them so much power over us. I think this was a big wake-up call for the Belgians, but also, people are afraid to speak up. It's the fear that keeps those wheels of corruption and abuse turning.

We vote so much with our money and we can support Hollywood less and we can support Big Pharma less or maybe much more and it takes one small choice at a time as we make transitions from certain habits and lifestyle patterns and they rely on our money more than we think. Speaking up like you said helps too and we can lead by example by making small changes at first and by simply telling people. For me, I have a garden and I eat garlic each day and I use Ubuntu instead of Apple or Microsoft.