
Have you read Nesta Webster's "The French Revolution?"

No, I haven't, but they had Hallucinogenic mold in their bread, and today they are legalizing enough refined stuff to fill in, to make up the difference.

They may need to violently remove these liberals, by the scruff of their necks! It may be their only chance to survive!


You will love that book. She is the only "old-timer" to write a serious work showing the Illuminati foundations of "the terror" and the FR.

My reading time is poor, so it might be a while, ROFLOL! I am about 10,000 pages behind right now....

BUT it does sound interesting! Maybe I can find time.


THAT book will counter a TON of the bogus history you've heard to the point your worldview will be affected, and you will be an even more "radical" opponent of the Illuminati/U.N. elite.

Not sure you SHOULD read it,

Lets see, I am 100% opposed to the UN, based on logic alone. So How much more can I oppose them? :)

The Illuminati (who think they are in control) are minions of Satan himself, and I oppose him 100% too....

I am already maxed out, ROFLOL! So we will need to see.


LOL...I hear ya. I guess what I was saying was it will SET YOU OFF even more...

No, I do not get mad, I get even, ROFLOL! And they disgust me, not set me off....
