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RE: Down comes the Pike

I've been researching for quite a while. Your argument that the Civil War was not about slavery has already been argued about, by me, with the gentleman Jon X army who's changed his name to something else. I guess he was telling too much truth or maybe he's a fake so I went looking for and I found him. So I guess he's sorta for real. I think he's for real. He has a good grasp on history. It's just that he doesn't use the Touchstone. The black person is ignored so the cognitive dissonance precludes the researcher from getting to the root cause. So when I found him today after doing a little bit of research for trying to answer your post we find out how Donald Trump is using the Nixon Playbook which I could pretty much assume seeing that all of Nixon's lobbyist worked for the Trump campaign and subsequently were convicted of lying to the FBI and Congress or whatever. Pretty much all of Trumps people we're supposedly investigated for crimes. Well, if you know the history of Richard Nixon then you should be able to connect him to George HW Bush and his father Prescott Bush. If you connect those dots then you can connect to Averell Harriman and from there we can go to Joseph McCarthy and Roy Cohn. Roy Cohn somehow infiltrated McCarthy's inner circle and became the lead counsel in the McCarthy hearings. What Roy Cohn did was confirm Trump hypocrisy and complicity. Cohn persecuted the gays for being compromised by Russians. Then we move forward and connect Roy Cohn to Trump who was facing segregation lawsuit for redlining the black people in his real estate operation. Then we fast forward to 2016. Trump says he misses Roy who turns out to be a homosexual which is hypocritical. If you really want to get historical, we have John G Trump, he inventor of the vacuum tube given access to Nikola Tesla's death ray which he invented the day before he passed away. these dots have been connected by me for a unique perspective of Donald J. Trump. Trump has something to do (a lot to do )with this covid19. Everything . He is a Manchurian Candidate and this is what I discovered I once again using the touchstone.
Jon Xs you tube is gone
He can be found as

I have the video somewhere
In conclusion, The civil war was all about slavery. The key to the divide and conquer of tbe Republic. The Black people were the key to the Northern victory. This fact is being ignored. Trump worshippers et al!