Life Imitates Satire

in #informationwar7 years ago (edited)

A farce of a country, fie upon your law

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As if this is even news any more, the London murder rate for this year has surpassed NYC as a wave of stabbings has taken the city for a wild ride. To be clear: that doesn't necessarily mean that the total number of murders in London is higher, as the Big Apple is larger in population (albeit only marginally). Dividing the number of murders by the total population produces the rate of murders (number of murders relative to the number of inhabitants), and those figures from London have outstripped NYC.

Once relegated to meme-dom, "common sense knife control" is no longer a joke, and is the direction of the London politicians and law enforcement. In a tweet, everyone's favorite racially ambiguous Mr. Bean lookalike, Sadiq Khan, proclaimed:

No excuses: there is never a reason to carry a knife. Anyone who does will be caught, and they will feel the full force of the law

Really? No reason? If a Londoner, being stripped of their natural right to carry a gun, wants to carry a knife as defense from the rising rate of knife murders, that seems plenty reasonable. On the topic of arming, there is something interesting to be said. As handguns and other concealable firearms have become harder to attain for criminals, the rate of stabbings has gone up. It couldn't possibly be that the true danger is violent people, and going after the means is a red herring that solves nothing. That simply can't be the case.

...Or can it?



Next: Black Mirror is coming to life.
BTW Don't people use ties to hang themselves.....

uh oh... good thing I already hate ties.

This is a great post!
short, sweet, tart,
the bitter f'ing truth!

I was feeling the urge to snark. As much as I like the long form stuff, short and punchy gets better traction and is just plain fun to write.

All they really need to do is ask why so many Britons leave every year for New Zealand, and the United States. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the lower taxes and the more liberal gun laws.

oh I'm sure those are pure coincidences. The best immigration tool would be to bring foreign tourists and international students to a gun range. They'll stay alright

In the words of a British lady I let shoot my AR15, "Wow, that was good fun. The queen can slag off!" You can meet some interesting people at the rifle range sometimes.

that's true America. May Jefferson and Washington smile upon you

Its even worse, they are trying to ban drain cleaner because they keep melting peoples faces off during simple robberies with it now.

I just bought a bottle for my shower drain. Don't tell Sadiq lol

What happens in Londonistan stays in Londonistan.


victim disarmament taken to new lows.
funny thing.
when he was in Austin Tx not too long ago.
he didn't seem to have a problem with bombs.
if fact I got the impression, from listening to him
that he rather approved of using them to destroy innocent life.

well at least if everyone uses bombs instead of knives, his policies ended knife crimes.

don't THINK so.
he's also made guns illegal.
gun crime and knife crime are at epic levels