The Syrian Conflict and Third World War, will this really happen?

in #informationwar7 years ago

Some time ago there was a very shocking news about the Syrian conflict and resulted in the Third World War. The political crisis in Syria remains an issue that is not simple. Many parties suspect the prolonged political conflict that will bring a very wide impact, including the possibility of a third world war. Is it possible?

source pixabay

Syria became the battleground for the main geopolitical actors in the Middle East. Its position directly adjacent to Israel has made Syria a central concern for Israel's allies in the Middle East, particularly the United States and European countries. Especially since the era of Hafiz al-Assad to Bashar al-Assad, Syria took a stance contrary to Israel and the interests of the United States in the Middle East. Between Syria and Israel were involved in feuding on the issue of the Golan Heights.

Lately since the turmoil of the Syrian "spring", Hamas chose to emigrate to Qatar as they sympathize with the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood who took an opposition stance against the Bashar al-Assad regime.

The United States sees Syria as its main enemy in the Middle East. Threatening and hostile to Israel means opposing the United States. Therefore the United States fully supports the opposition against the regime of Bashar al-Assad. In fact, the United States claimed to participate arming ISIS in pounding troops Bashar al-Assad, although eventually the United States repented for his mistake.

On the other hand, Syria since 1944 has a very close relationship with the Soviet Union which is currently Russia. The relationship continues to this day. Russia has made Syria its strategic partner in the Middle East. Russia has military bases in Tartus and Palmyra. For Russia, maintaining the full regime of Bashar al-Assad is a last-ditch effort to ensure Syria does not fall into the hands of Israel and the United States. So too, if that happens, then Russia will lose its strategic partner in the Middle East.

It is also the reason that Bashar al-Assad has survived to this day from the onslaught of opposition which is fully supported by the United States, Israel, European countries, including Gulf countries such as Saudi Arabia and the Arab Emarat Union. Without total support from Russia it is hard for Bashar al-Assad to keep his chair until now. Almost 8 years of fighting, but Bashar al-Assad can still stand firmly leading Syria. Russia for years proved to be Syria's loyal friend.

The geopolitical context of the above causes many parties to worry about the possibility of Third World War. That is the war between the two great military forces today, Russia and the United States. If this happens, then the world will see a greatest disaster that will become a new history of gray for the world.

But the third world war does not seem to be really happening, because both the United States and Russia are aware of the devastating effect of an open war. They do not seem to want to make Syria a life-and-death battle, because learning from Libya, Yemen, and Iraq will be much more harm than good.

If not careful, ISIS tragedy will happen again. Political instability in the Middle East will be fully utilized by the cells of the terrorist movement. Moreover, al-Qaeda is secretly consolidating its movement, led directly by the son of Osama bin Laden. They are preparing to fill the void after the collapse of ISIS. In addition, prolonged wars and conflicts will only add to the list of humanitarian victims who will leave the wounds and grudges of the nation's children. Hundreds of thousands of people have died and millions have fled to nearby areas, even Europe, the United States, Canada and Asia.

Thus, the attacks launched by the United States with Britain and France did not directly touch Russian military bases. It seems that the United States and its allies are very careful not to deal directly with Russia.

According to Alexey Khlebnikov, what the United States and its allies do in Syria is not in the context of winning a no-win situation, but only a bluff on the regime of Bashar al-Assad. The United States and its allies are seen very carefully by not attacking Russian military bases, although the rhetoric used by Donald Trump is very harsh. What the United States and its allies have made everyone happy.

America is happy because it seems to be seriously attacked Syrian military base by launching about 100 missiles. That means it can delight the opposition who in recent months was cornered by the onslaught of Bashar al-Assad's troops backed by Russia and Iran. On the other hand, the Russians are also happy because America and its allies are not attacking Russian military bases. That means America and its allies do not want to confront directly with the Russian military. Moreover, reportedly almost no casualties and significant damage from the attack. Russia managed to ward off most of the missiles used by the United States and its allies.

In the end the common sense and rationality that will become commander, both for the United States and Russia. There is no point in making Syria an instrument to destroy the world by inflaming the third world war. Moreover, what is happening in Syria is understood by the world community as a domestic political conflict that does not need to be dragged into the greater geopolitical sphere.

The key to the settlement of political conflict in Syria is actually in Russia and the United States. If these two great nations would sit together and give full sovereignty to the people of Syria to determine their future, then the situation would be much better. The political solution is the only solution to determine who has the right to lead Syria, including ensuring equal, just and peaceful citizens' rights. We, as peace-loving people, can only pray that there will not be a third world war that causes too much harm than the profits of these two great states.



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Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)

This conflict is over who gets to build a pipeline. Nothing more and nothing less.

Globalists desperately want WWIII but even with their false flag attacks, Putin has consistently refused to take the bait.