More From Q-Anon: The Haiti Connection

in #informationwar7 years ago

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Q has been quiet today but there were a couple of posts from yesterday not gone over and they are important especially where Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation (and CGI) are concerned...

(867) Mar 06 2018 13:06:24
So much is open source.
So much left to be connected.
Why are the children in Haiti in high demand?
How are they smuggled out?
‘Adoption’ process.
Local ‘staging’ ports friendly to CF?
Track donations.
Cross against location relative to Haiti.
Think logically.
The choice, to KNOW, will be yours.
Mar 06 2018 13:10:24

Who are we taught to trust the most?
This will not be easy.
The END.

The first one posted at 13:06:24 begins with one of the emails leaked by Wikileaks- I'll post that in a moment, but first... "So much left to be connected." This post deals specifically with the Clinton Foundation and child trafficking. There are a couple of connections that can be made as we will see. "Why are children in Haiti in high demand?" Two reasons: first- for sex. Second- forced labor. When the earthquake occured in 2010, Algeria made a contribution to the Clinton Foundation of $500,000 earmarked specifically for earthquake relief. Algeria is also a hub for child/human trafficking.

"How are they smuggled out?" There is the obvious route, across the border into the Dominican Republic- where Laura Silsby of Friends of the Orphans, a Baptist organization, was caught and Sec. of State Clinton came to her aid. (more on that in a minute)

"Local Staging ports friendly to the CF?" Port-de-Paix is a resort town on the northern coast (see map) where many donors to the CF invested in a resort hotel, certainly friendly to the Clintons. Another is Cap Haitien, another wealthy resort town similar to Port-de-Paix and often referred to as the "Paris of the Antilles." Both are a stone's throw from Cuba, particularly Guantanamo Bay. Also when checking donations ("Track the donations") to the CF, I found that several donors were trying to gain access to Cuba. As Sec of State, HRC lobbied for relaxation of sanctions.

"Cross against location relative to Haiti." Both Cuba and the Dominican Republic fit the bill. "Think logically. The choice will be yours." This is the Clinton email relative to this post...


From: Hillary Clinton
To: Cheryl Mills
Date: 2010-01-22 10:26

UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05773185 Date: 08/31/2015


From: H <[email protected] >
Sent: Friday, January 22, 2010 5:26 PM

To: 'cheryl.mills
Subject: Fw: news report on missing kids in Haiti

Attachments: image001.png; image002.png; image003.jpg; image001.png; image002.png;

As predicted.

Original Message
From: Muscatine, Lissa <[email protected] >

To: H
Sent: Fri Jan 22 14:55:39 2010

Subject: news report on missing kids in Haiti

This is an AFP report from today.

Also, GTIP is working on a memo for you and Cheryl about child trafficking dangers in Haiti.

Trafficking fears as Haiti children go missing

Posted 5 hours 47 minutes ago

Updated 5 hours 46 minutes ago

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The UN has warned countries not to step up adoptions from Haiti in the wake of the disaster. (AFP: Matthew Marek

United Nations officials say children have gone missing from hospitals in Haiti since the devastating January 12

earthquake, raising fears of trafficking for adoption abroad.

"We have documented around 15 cases of children disappearing from hospitals and not with their own family at the

time," said UNICEF adviser Jean Luc Legrand.

"UNICEF has been working in Haiti for many years and we knew the problem with the trade of children in Haiti that

existed already beforehand.

"Unfortunately, many of these trade networks have links with the international adoption market."

The agency said it had warned countries during the past week not to step up adoptions from Haiti in the immediate

wake of the quake.

UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05773185 Date: 08/31/2015

However several are fast-tracking adoption procedures already under way, including Belgium, Canada, France, Germany,
the Netherlands, Spain and the United States.

Mr Legrand said the situation was similar to the aftermath of the tsunami in Asia five years ago.

Trafficking networks were springing into action immediately after the disaster and taking advantage of the weakness of

local authorities and relief coordination "to kidnap children and get them out of the country".

Rupert Colville, a spokesman for the office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, said child enslavement and
trafficking in Haiti was "an existing problem and could easily emerge as a serious issue over the coming weeks and


The UN mission in Haiti has stepped up surveillance of roads, UNICEF officials said.

Mr Legrand said there was separate but only anecdotal evidence of people taking children by road to the neighbouring
Dominican Republic and loading children on to planes.

"We have seen over the past years many children being taken out of the country without any legal procedure," he said.

"This is going on. This is happening now. We are starting to have the first evidence of that, this is unquestionable."

He was unable to give details on the 15 missing children or their condition or clearly connect the anecdotal observations

in Haiti's chaos with trafficking.

The cases were documented by social workers and by partner non-governmental organisations working for UNICEF in

  • AFP

The second post from 13:10:24 is much shorter so I'll begin with the email to HRC from Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills...


From: Cheryl Mills
To: Hillary Clinton
Date: 2010-02-01 03:00

UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05766648 Date: 08/31/2015


From: Mills, Cheryl D [email protected]
Monday, February 1, 2010 6:21 PM
FW: (AP) Haiti PM: U.S. Baptists knew removing kids was wrong


From: Deyo, Justin A

Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 4:44 PM
To: NEWS-Mahogany

Cc: Thompson, Hillary C
Subject: (AP) Haiti PM: U.S. Baptists knew removing kids was wrong

PORT-AU-PRINCE (AP) - Haiti's prime minister says it's clear to him that the 10 U.S. Baptists who tried to take 33 Haitian
children out of the quake-ravaged country "knew what they were doing was wrong." Prime Minister Max Bellerive also

tells The Associated Press his country is open to having the Americans tried in the United States. Bellerive says some of
the children have parents who are alive. The government is attempting to locate them. He says a judicial system needs

to determine whether the Americans were acting in good faith, as they claim, or are child traffickers. The Americans are
mostly from Idaho. They have been held since being arrested January 29 trying to enter the Dominican Republic with the


Justin Deyo

S/ES-0 Operations Specialist

This was apparently sent to Ms. Mills from Justin Deyo (I'll post a short bio at the end). Q writes: "Who are we taught to trust the most? This will not be easy." Well, the answer is easy- we're all taught to trust our churches... to learn that one is engaged in child trafficking is certainly not easy. This is where Laura Silsby comes into the picture, her organization, Friends of the Orphans (now Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos)... Also, Michael Maccoby, his son Max and their friend James Alefantis of Comet Ping Pong Pizza renown. Michael and Max are both on the Board of Directors of the organization and friends of Alefantis. Max is also the lawyer for Alefantis and David Brock (of Media Matters). You can draw your own conclusions.

This is the bio of Justin Deyo...

Mr. Deyo most recently served as special assistant to the senior director for Strategic Planning on the National Security Staff at the White House, where he developed an interest the global proliferation of emerging and disruptive technologies. Prior to this assignment, he advanced the Secretary of State’s worldwide travel as special assistant in the State Department’s Executive Secretariat. Mr. Deyo also served as watchstander in the State Department Operations Center, where he facilitated the Secretary of State’s global communications, briefed the Secretary and other senior officials on world events, and provided crisis management support. (this is an abbreviated version but contains all pertinent information)




Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)
Relevance: Q Anon
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The Clintons, Alefantis, David Brock and children what could go wrong? Is the church being set-up? More importantly where are the exploited children? It is time for people to open there eyes. I don’t know if the 10th man rule is weighted in real life or not. The premise is if 9 people agree the 10th has to take a totally different position on a situation no matter how unlikely . So if the Clintons keep coming up with involvement in different things, when will the 10th man principal come into play? Food for thought!

No I'm afraid not... That's why Q said "This will not be easy." The key is the Maccobys!!! Their so deep. Michael is CIA all the way! He and Erich Fromm (Columbia Univ., Frankfurt School) were doing trauma based mind control experiments in Mex and Cent America.

Where are the exploited children? Children are very useful- they make good slaves (sex and free labor). When they die, or are killed in SRA rituals they get "parted out." The blood is used for youth tonic for the elites. The organs are harvested- ever wonder where all the people killed in the wars in the Middle East go? Or the murders in Chicago (which nobody seems interested in stopping). The Univ hospitals have deals with the govt. The Haiti earthquake provided both live and dead kids... remember the hospital ships off the North coast? DynCorp and Deagel Corp. were there (both CIA cutouts). Both were also in Bosnia during the conflict there. Hmmm.....

I remember something like this on the news I read.

Yeesh: it's unnerving what you find when you look in those dark corners.

Yeah... and I'm starting to think these people live in rooms with lots of corners!

Q aulity info! Thx, Rich!

Thanks... I wish they'd quit improving this thing... They just make it work worse!

Ditto. Is there some kind of shadow-banning occuring or just glitches in the matrix, lol?

Just glitches... happens every time they "improve" the platform. It will get worked out!

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