The Corona Financial Virus: Are They Sealing The Exit Doors?

Sinking Lifeboats?
I never proclaim to be an expert in subjects that I’m not entirely proficient within, and as I am no expert within the crypto space, I am framing this post as an unqualified opinion and not a statement of fact. From a purely observational standpoint, (if it wasn't already) I believe that bitcoin’s integrity has been compromised and that its flotation within the futures markets enabled the powers that (shouldn’t) be to obtain an ever more powerful hand within the market space. Once this foothold was attained it has enabled the manipulators to drive down the price and accumulate an ever-greater stake and thus ability to manipulate said price.

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"Never let a good crisis go to waste" covers all angles! There are certainly many many angles to this whole situation, to be concerned about!
Indeed, and in the words of Han Solo "I've got a bad feeling about this!" Hope you're keeping well dude?! If you need any supplement of natural medicine advice .. let me know! :)
Thanks brother. I definitely know where to go for a dose of good advice:) I'm doing my best to not panic about anything in general. The way I see it, it can only make things worse. Currently doing my best to keep my immune system in the best shape possible. None of the lockdown procedures and/or strict measures have been enforced in my area of the world as yet, but it's definitely coming sooner or later...however, the supermarket shelves are definitely being emptied atm, in preparation for it.
I somehow have the feeling that this strain of virus is going to be with us for the very long term. The profiteers are licking their lips as usual!
Look after yourself:)
But the end of all things has drawn near. Therefore be sober-minded and be sober unto prayers.(1 Peter 4:7)
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Thanks @viral21
Silly boy! It's not a financial crisis it's a health crisis:P
Hey my friend hope you're well, the point I'm making is that it could be both .. and the health analysis is already very well covered, literally wall to wall. Plus many of the facts and figures don't match the hysteria .. hence it could also be a mind virus. Could the facts and figures be manipulated? Sure! But when I see people around me begging for a lockdown and praising the Chinese response .. I think its good to keep an open mind to all possibilities. ;)
I think we are in for big changes from what we have been used to.
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Hey @j85063 .. unfortunately, I think you're bang on the money .. I fear this is but the entree, one of a series of events that are intended to increase in pace, size and momentum.
Awesome post, you make so many excellent
points! As the collapse occurs, the coronavirus
might be the least of our collective concerns.
Hey thanks my friend, there are many directions it can go from here, but I do fear we are beginning a multi-layered sequence of events that will probably take several years to play out. Thanks again @thoughts-in-time
It's been a lot of territory to cover over the last several weeks. My family and I positioned ourselves in response to basically the unknown(s), for that I owe a lot of gratitude to the conspiracy nutters on here, lol, we weren't out looking for toilet paper last week and we are all well stocked for the next several weeks. The rest is just figuring out what this all means if anything, where it all goes, the legitimacy or lack there of in intentions. Every bit you read helps in that endeavor.
Yes, we're literally drowning in a sea of information that veers from one extreme to another, thus never allowing the majority of people to firmly find their feet and work out what the hell is going on. I think the key is plan sensibly and don't give into panic or fear, whatever the outcome .. forward thinking wins the day! And whatever perspective people have, its true to say that we're in uncharted territory.
Yes! An end to life as we have known it.
I seem to remember a song about that? ;)