Stardate 2020

in #informationwar6 years ago

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In the 1960s Gene Roddenberry injected hierarchy into the disintegrating modernist West.  His surprisingly successful low budget sci-fi television series "Star Trek" was centered on a strong and sexy Captain Kirk.  Around him a loyal crew enacted his orders as they zipped off to places in space where "no man had gone before."

The original series inspires movies and television series even today.

More important, it inspires memes.

The meme above humorously illustrates what happens when the hierarchy devolves into two feuding camps.  A hallmark of American politics going back to the beginning of the Republic is the two party system.  George Washington warned the country not to fall to this sort of polarized and highly organized bickering.  He rightly worried it would weaken the nation.

I'm hopeful because of the fact this meme exists.  I'm troubled that corporations are organizing to use copyright powers to penalize this form of art/comedy.  It is really important and human to laugh out loud at what is happening.  The memeing is helping, not hurting.

A nation cannot survive without maintaining the capacity to unify in times of emergency.  It's past time for Trump to order Pence to throw them into space.  We must hope and pray that their imminent demise will bring them around.

Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered;  Hebrews 5:8


  • Thanks for praying for the upcoming Occupy 2019 conference.  Paulie and I will leave Friday morning for Canton, Ohio.  We will join with hundreds of Christians who want to learn what they can do to fight for the good the true and the beautiful.  I'm a speaker at the conference.  Stay tuned.
  • Jared's company just started producing a new LIVE show for ex-gay speaker and counselor Stephen Black.  Check it out and spread the word.