My Thoughts About Greta Shit-Bird!

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

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I'm not about to be Manipulated by plutocratic scumbags that propped up this teenage girl that was hand picked because she looks like a 9 year old.

This was done to garner maximum psychological impact."How dare you be mean to that little girl"

Get the fuck out of my face with that mental midget horse shit! If You think government schools were closed all over the western hemisphere so kids could "protest" climate change was a grass roots movement..... and not some scam by the rich shit sacks that run planet earth... I have some Ocean front property in Kansas to sell you!

Also using scared children having a temper tantrum to further a political Agenda is morally and ethically repugnant!

That's the kind of shit Totalitarian societies do in order to coerce compliance. Im not falling for the bullshit. If rich assholes want my money they are going to have to take it by force like a common junkie mugger. I'm not about to consent to their economic rape!


Mike BlueHair


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My brother, use the palnet tag. You can login to with your steemit and gain double rewards.

Posted using Partiko iOS

im on it! thank you kindly brotherman!

im on it! thank you kindly brotherman!

RE MOTHA FUCKIN STEEMED!!! Great shit man keep it up. Despite how much Steemit sucks I hope you come back.

im not giving up on steemit! love you brother man!

Soros is likely the only billion air on your radar. Seen this all over the place. Sheep + Soros = asleep.

Ditto! Except my style is in less explicit terms.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanx! its my understand that many forms of truth/ style are needed to resist all the mind laundry thats shoveled at us all! People like you cater to a more legitimate audience by being less crass with communication....where as my stuff is more street level And in your face. both tactics have their respective places and are both valuable. thanx for commenting! fyi I fucking love all the Pirate Goth Stuff you posted!

What? You don't agree to pay a fine every time you fart out CO2?

You must be a dangerous heretic.

Good. Me too.


thanx for the vote of confidence brotherman!

I think it was Franklin that noted if we don't stand together we will surely hang separately.

Be free!

Preach on brother! following

thank you kindly!

"The sky is falling"🐤Chicken Little resteemed!

Get the fuck out of my face with that mental midget horse shit!

Well said! :)
I've just been reading a report on today's "protests" and it's really scary to see how young people are being manipulated ...

thank you kindly. yeah its pretty sick!

Pathetic that they are trying to use children to gain power. But they are failing.

agreed! thanks for reading my rant!