More 911 LIES, as revealed by a government insider.

in #informationwar6 years ago

One of the under-reported elements of all the government lies and obfuscation as to what really happened on 9-11-01 is the very sad state of affairs surrounding how they covered up the true nature of the poisonous atmosphere into which the NYC authorities (especially Trump's scummy buddy, Rudy Guiliani) thrust the brave and trusting first responders that day.

In an effort to "reduce costs," and to deflect the government's responsibility to these poor people with regard to the health problems many --if not most-- of these responders have suffered ever since that day, the government lied about the air quality at Ground Zero in such a blatant and treasonous way, that they STILL to this day SHOULD BE held accountable.

Check out this link:

Here is a key excerpt from the above:

"What many do not know, because their story has been largely ignored and marginalized, is that there were officials within the EPA who were desperately trying to blow the whistle on the agency’s lies. Officials like Cate Jenkins.

Dr. Cate Jenkins had joined the EPA in December 1979, serving as an Environmental Scientist with EPA’s Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER). Her work included “detecting hazardous waste and developing regulations for their control,” a role that took on special importance in the wake of the toxic dust clouds covering Manhattan on 9/11. Unlike many of the other 9/11 whistleblowers, however, the events of September 11, 2001, did not represent the first time Dr. Jenkins had to blow the whistle on her own agency...

Beginning shortly after the attack, and continuing for years afterward, Dr. Jenkins attempted to bring the EPA’s faulty and fraudulent air quality testing practices to the attention of anyone who would listen. According to the Administrative Review Board of the US Department of Labor:

'Beginning in 2001, Jenkins made numerous disclosures and complaints alleging that the EPA engaged in improper laboratory testing, falsified a regulation governing exposure safety standards, and knowingly covered up the toxic properties of the dust emanating from the September 11, 2001 [9/11] World Trade Center [WTC] disaster. The improper testing and cover-up, Jenkins claimed, contributed to excessive and harmful toxic dust exposures of WTC ‘First Responders’ and others sufficient to later cause respiratory and other serious and debilitating disease. Jenkins disseminated these disclosures and complaints to her supervisors and others at EPA, to the EPA Inspector General’s Office, members of Congress, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, as well as to state officials, state elected representatives, law firms representing WTC First Responders, citizens, and the media. Her disclosures were posted on web sites and repeatedly quoted in the press and television broadcasts, and by members of Congress'.”

(Image courtesy of

There are plenty of other explosive revelations throughout the rest of the article. It is definitely worth a read, and worth your time to send on to all your truth-loving contacts.

Thanks for taking the time to educate yourself and others about this under-reported element of the massive 911 government coverup.


911 is one BIG criminality, and crime committed by its own rich people and politicians against its own country. IF YOU NOT SEE IT.... I start think you have some kind health problem.

Maybe you shouldn't insult people whose views you know nothing about.

I know very well what 911 was all about.

I am the original truther, who got Alex Jones interested in it and put out the first two videos about the government coverup in Feb/April 2002.

Maybe you shouldn't
Insult people whose views you
Know nothing about.

                 - mepatriot

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Who did I insult ???

"IF YOU NOT SEE IT.... I start think you have some kind health problem."

How SHOULD I interpret that?

Are you JOKE :)))) if you not know what I say, why did you text back ? :))) Thats what I say ... it is one big cover-up :)) MAN :))) and if someone not think this ... I start think this one have some kind problem thats all ... SO I not see I have insult ... or you have problem that some one have courage to tell their opinion.

Never mind. You aren't understanding the language well enough.

I think you thought were using a generic term for ALL PEOPLE OUT THERE, but you pointed at me.

You and I are on the same page. It's all OK now.